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Plans and Progress What Busy California Lumber Here and There Folks Are Talking About
Brick Association Announces Competition
The California Cornmon Brick Manufacturers Association has announced a small brick house design competition for which cash prizes totall.ing one thousand dollars ire offered.
The competition is being mnducted under the auspices of the Los Angeles and San Francisco chapters of the American Institute of Architects. Harwood Hewitt, prominent Los Angeles arch.itect, is directing the competition as professional adviser.
Architect; and home designers generally without restric- .tions as to resiclence are invited to compete. The designs must iepresent houses to cost no more than 97500 wien :completed. All entries must be in the hands of the secre'tary of the Caiifornia Common Brick Manufacturers Asso. ciation, 342 Douglas Building, Los Angeles, by December 15.
Nine major prizes are offered ranging in value from $400 to $50. The associatio-n further agrees to buy at the price of the lowest award, all designs not selec,ted as prize winners but which are deemed worthy of special distinction.
The three judges of the competition-will be designated by the Architects Institute. Their decision will be made in time to award the prizes before Christmas. The names of the judges will be announced later.
The designs submitted must call for the use of common brick without the addition of stucco or any ornamental bricl:, stone or other material. No limitation is placed on the size or shape of the house or building lot. But the cost estirnate is to include a one-car garage which may be b detached structure or an integral part-of the house.
J.-A. MacWatters, East Bay representative of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., is now driving a snappy new red Buick roadster in making his territory. Before the final purchase of the machine w:as con'sumed, "Scotty" who hai always been a keen admirer of the Buick, wanted t'o demonstraie Lo Ed. Garland, manager of the mil department for Chas. R. ilIcCormick & Co., the wonderful mechanism of the machine. He selected Telegraph and Russian Hills, San Francisco, as his field of operations, to test the speeds and brakes of the new mach,ine. "Scotty" can handle i machine with about the same efficiency as "Jimmie" Murphy, so he gave Ed a demonstration that was worth whiL. Ed. is convinced that the Buick is some, car, and says that he enjoyed the demonstration immensely, but feels much better while parking in his office chair in the Matson Building.
C. G. Atkinson & Sons have opened offices in Sacramento, in charge of Mr. H. C. Atkinson.