2 minute read
Sam Haywprd Provides Anothe / Knockout
Speaking of house organs, every retail lumberman in this state should have a look at the latest bulletin issued 'by the Hayward l-umber & Investment Comipany of Los Angeles.
Sam, T. Ifayward, general manager of th'is live organization has been in the habit recently of ,putting out some very clever pieces of merchandising literature, and in this latest effort of his he has surely surpassed, himself.
This sheet, 'bound in a bright yellow cover, is called, '(Geniral Dope." 1'A BULLetin published by and for the Hayward Lumber & Investment Company." On the front cover is a clever drawing of a military figure, presumably the general, and in the background ii a- plaque made of steer horns and heads,- no doubt to suggest the "bull." The sheet is 9x11 in size, and contains nine pages chock full of news, advice to the emplolees, an account of their recent managers meeting, some poetry and lots of other things, made up in a form that makes it easy to 'read, and it no doubt was, by every man an'd woman in the company.
This,issue 'is \rol. 1. No. 6, and they issue a new one on the 20th of every month.
In an account of their managers meeting, the following will give an .idea of how this company is watching all angles of their business:
On Saturday, Oct. 6th, we had a meeting here rin Los Angeles of all California Managers at which time we exchanged ideas and received a great deal of interesting pointers on how to improve the conducting" of our business. Hearing the experiences and the good suggestions brought forward by some of the Managers has inspired all of us towarrd putting forth our best for-the improvement of the company. We either move'{orward..sr. backward and it is our aim to move forward. .The..following are a few of the high lights brought out at the,rneeting:
First: We are going to push our Special"Mahogany Finish at the San Bernardino, Riverside, "Los Angeles and Long Beach yards. ' t:, ':
Second: We are'going to endeavortto iiriprove our plan department service here in Los Angeles so'th-dt the outside y'ards can depend on it and receive the sbrvice they are entitled to.
Third: Outside yards are goin$" to trj' and avail themselves of this Flan Service'rhore in the 'fiiture than they have in the past.
Fourlh: The advantages of the new',receiving record were brought out and each manager was instructed how this is to be kept and why it needs to be kept accurately."
This kind of stuff is an ins,pir4tion tq.e.i1rpl9Y*s, and will cost the Hayward Lumber &.Investment Company nothing at the end of the year.
Another interesting thing to nbte ,ih. ihis bulletin, is the free use of first names. The volume i's fiull of "Sams, Bills, Joes, Eds," etc. They ev,ideirtly believe in a democratic system of running a modern'o-uSinbss.