2 minute read
The House That Jack Built
By Jack Dionne
This is the House that Jack built.
This is the Tenant, raised in rent, Who lives in the House that Jack built.
This is the notice, lately sent, To oust the tenant, raised in rent, Who lives in the House that Jack built.
This is the loud and fierce lament, Which greets the notice lately sent, To oust the tenant, raised in rent, Who lives in the House that Jack built.
This is the lawyer, eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lament, Which greets the notice, lately sent, To oust the tenant, raised in rent, Who lives in the House that Jack built.
This is the judge on justice bent, Who lists to the lawyer eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lament, Which greets the notice lately sent, To oust the tenant raised in rent, Who lives in the House that Jack built.
This is the landlord opulent, Flayed by the judge on justice bent, Who lists to the lawyer, eminent, Who adds his wail to the lament, Which greets the notice lately sent, To oust the tenant raised in rent, Who lives in the House that Jack built.
This is the boost in taxes sent, Around to the landlord opulent,
Flayed by the judge on justice bent, Who lists to the lawyer, eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lament, Which greets the notice lately sent, To oust the tenant raised in rent, Who lives in the Ifouse that Jack built.
These are the curses eloquent, That follow the boost in taxes sent, Around to the landlord opulent, Flayed by the judge on justice bent, Who lists to the lawyer eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lament, Which greets the notice lately sent, To oust the tenant raised in rent, Who lives in the llouse that lack built.
This is the sale to another gent, Which followed the boost in taxes sent, Around to the landlord opulent, Flayed by the judge on justice bent, Who lists to the lawyer eminent, Who adds his wail to the loud lament, Which greets the notice lately sent, To oust the tenant raised in rent, Who lives in the House that lack built.
This is the same old incident, Another raise in the tenant's rent, Another loud and fierce lament, The same stout lawyer eminent, The same old judge on justice bent, Another landlord opulent, But the same old boost in taxes sent, And the same old curses eloquent, Then another sale to another gent, Of the same old House that Jack built.
New El Rey Shingle Weyerhaeuser New Operation
Introduction of the new El Rey "Tri-Tab" shingle, said to be the only true hexagon shape shingle on the market giving double and triple roof coverage and carrying the Underwriters' Class C label, has just been announced by N. L. Brinker, sales director of the El Rey Products Company.
The"Tri-Tab" is smaller and more compact than the 'standard hexagonal shingle and for that reason offers less wind resistance and less chance of curling, according to the official. The new shingles are of asphalt, surfaced with natural slate, and are obtainable in red, green and blueblack colors. In addition, they are sunproof, waterproof, and never require any paintin& Mr. Brinker said.
The new El Rey "Tri-Tab" shingles are lapped in such a manner on a roof that they provide a double thickness over the entire area, with approximately 20 per cent covered with three thicknesses, he explained. As the slabs are easier to nail securely, they are said to make a roof more uraterproof and more permanent.
Nearing Completion
Rapid progress is being made at Longview by the Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. in establishing what is expected to be the company's largest single operation. More than 1000 men are employed in construction work on the 600 acre mill site on the Columbia River front and on the company's timber holdings on the Cowlitz River watershed.
The operation will include three sawmills with a designed cut of 700,000 feet in eight hours, and is scheduled to begin cutting eady in 1929.
16 California St., San Francirco Importere of Japanese OaI(
Lunber, Logr, Squarer, Dimenrion, Stepping Erclurivc Mill Agcnte for thc Peciic Coert