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Bay District Lumberman Wins
6!ras. EI Promotion lSuro.
Chas. J. Lund, who for the past three years has been connected with the Jensen & Schlosser Lumber Co., at San Rafael, which .ottce.tt was recently taken over by the Henry Hess Company, has been appointed gen-eral manager by the new -owners. Mr. Lund is one ofthe best kiown-and popular lumbermen in the San Francisco Eay District. Hi ii a Rotarian, Shriner, Elk, member of IIoo Hoo and takes an active part in civic afiairs in and around San Rafael. Since his graduation from high school, he has been connected with the lumber business: first in the logging camps and sawmills in Oregon, and se-veral y-ears latei Js manager of three sawmills in the Santa Cruz Mountains. When the war broke out, he journyed to France and Italy, where he spent twenty-four months in the Forestry Division. At the conclusion of the war, he went into the ietail olfices of Jensen & Schlosser Lumber Co., which concern was recently taken over by the Henry Hess CtlmPany.
To Open Branch Yard At Carpinteria
The Channel Lumber Co. of Santa Barbara has leased property at Carpinteria where they rvill establish a branch yard ana work is now under way constructing an_ office irnd lumber shed. Marc Latham is manager of the Channel Lumber Co.
Pat Sublett. rvell known lumber salesman, is now associated with the Smith Lumber Co. of Oakland, handling the industrial trade in the East Bay district.
.{ILS dependable as "Old Ironsides" is the Sugar Pine from which this model is made. There is little sapwood-therefore decay re. sistant and durable
Sugar Pine is bounicolly and physically a truz white pine
The softness of its texture, and the straight, ness of grain make Sugar Pine an ideal wood where exact fidelity of reproduction is necessary
Madera processes of water,curing and air drying make Sugar Pine softer, whiter, and more easily worked. Moreover, it takes paint better and holds it longer
Water cured-air dried Madera Sugar Pine