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Yif Sash Door and Mill Workers Expressions of Appreciation and Cooperation
The following are excerpts from some of the letters addressed to H. T. Didesch, Managing Director of the MiUwork Institute of California, or to the Chairman of the Certification Committee, all of which are indicative of the purpose. and enthusiasm for the Institute and predict an unusually fine interest and attendance for the Annual Meeting to be held in San Francisco on Novemb er 22 and. 23.
E. R. MAULE, Manager, MILLWORK SURVEY SERVICE, Los Angeles, Calif.:
I _1* very enthusiastic about the standard specifications for "Accredited" millwork that I have thus fai been privileged to read.
!.-!. GRAHAM,Vice Pres. & Gen. Mgr., CHICAGO LUMBERCO. OF WASHINGTON, Oakland, Calif.:
You boys who are doing the major portion of the work in connection with the "Accredited Slandards for Architectural Woodwork" are certainly entitled to a vote of thanks by all of us who are not able to perform such serv- ices. . This is something new to the -purchaser of millwork and we will have to put our shoulders to the wheel and push it forward. In my opinion there is no ques- tionthat we are on the right track and I think Hank Didesch is doing a wonderful amount of work and he has more energy and ambition along these lines than almost anyone else with whom I have come in contact.
HENRY T. LUMB, President, LUMB WOODWORK- ING CO., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. (Associate Member, M. r. c.):
An Artistic Philippine Door
Here is an attractive front door that is proving very popular_in Souther! California with the mission type of home. It is made of Philippine with multiple panels, scroll chamfered, special planted in raised panels, also rosettes planted on other panels, the center circle top panel swings in. The door is stained in antique two toned, the scroll chamfers being high lighted as well as the rosettes.
This door was designed by Jack Brodie, who is chief door designer for The Pacific Door and Sash Co.
Paul Overend Named Snark Of Peninsula District
Paul Overend, field representative for the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, has been appointed vicegerent snark of the Peninsula District.
The Peninsula Hoo Hoo Club will hold their next meeting on the evening of November 26, at the Commercial Club, San Jose. Mr. A. W. Griewe will be the speaker, his subject being "Keeping up with the Times."
I want to congratulate you upon your "Accredited Standards for Architectural Woodwork" and vour Service Bulletin No. 33 just received in the mail. -I consider thatthis is the best effort that has been made on the part of the woodworker$ to get a contact with the architect and I wish we could do more of the same nature. I am convinced more and more that if we are to meet the trend of the times wemustdo something to keep the merits of wood before the architects and thus meet the competition of the manufacturers of substitutes who are spending a great deal of money for this purpose. We are not doing enough to get the attention of architects to our product and consequently the other fellows are making headway, and to our greit disadvantage-
FRANK T. PHILLtrPS, Treasurer, THOMPSON LUMFEB qO., Minneapolis, Minn. (Associate Member, M. r. c.):
_Here are -my dues for another year. I don't know just what date they are due but I want to be sure they are always.paid, so I can get your valuable bulletins on price questions and on all your progressive work. More power !g you. Received copy ofthe plan book. Many Thanks. Your ad is a dandy and full of progressive ideis, just as is everything that comes from your office.
Your plan is more fully developed than I anticipated from the reports which have reached me, and is undoubtedly a great stride toward a Millwork Industry of which we can be proud. There seems to be no obstacie to the establish-