2 minute read
with the Sash Door and Mill Workers
ment ofa Certification Plan through the medium of my organization. I appreciate your early response to my request for information and shall feel at liberty to call upon you if in need of further advice.
As a whole the Standards thus far submitted by your office are certainly deserving of the highest commendation.
E. A. NICHOLSON, General Manager, PACIFIC DOOR & SASH CO., Los Angeles, Calif.:
The mills in this neck of the woods are quite sold on the idea and they believe it is the only thing to do at this time. Such important firms as . (names deleted) . as well as ourselves are heartily in accord with what is being done, and judging from the Standards that have already been compiled, it is their opinion that "apin is being stuck" into whatis real millwork, which cannot help but have its effect on the trade. Where we have mentioned it to Architects and Contractors they have also responded in alikemanner. I personally believe that it is a great forward step and one in rvhich all the members of the Millwork Institute of California can thank Mr. Didesch, yourself and the other workers on it, very heartily.
WALTER S. SPICER, Secretary, BARR LUMBER COMPANY, Santa Ana, Calif.:
'We are very much interested in your Certified Millwork program and are satisfied that this line of procedure will eliminate a lot of our difficulties and are very anxious to do our small share in furthering this program.
For SmoothrFaster Gutting
If you have nottried the Planer Saw -1}161 n6s smoothcutting saw f o r wood$rslksys - you are missing an oPportunity.
This saw cuts almost assmoothly as a planer knife, rips and cross-cuts equally well onhard or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better service. SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO.
{00 E. TLid St" Lor Angclcr ZZ0-ZB Firrt St, San Franciico
Millwork Annual to be Held November 22, 23 at San FranCisco
I. A. Hart
The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Millwork Institute of California will be held at the Whitcomb Hotel. San Francisco, on Thursday and Friday, November 22 and 23.
President J. A. Hart of the San Francisco group has named an excellent list of committees to arrange for the meeting.
President J. A. Hart and'Director General Will Goddard rvish it distinctly understood that the San Francisco organization wants every millman, whether member or non-member, present at the meeting. They want an attendance record and every member is urged to get busy on rounding up delegates. For hotel reservations, write the hotel direct, or list your names with Mr. Harder or Mr. Goddard, Room 3O2, lL79 Market. Street, San Francisco.
On many kindr of lumber tbc HilLe Pilcr wiU enablc :r crew of 3 or 4 men to haldlc nore than double the anoult of lumber they would pilc by hand methodr.
Thir eaving in lebor cott with the
Hilke Piler
(Pat'd. U. S. ud Cmdr) ead the many othcr ccono. mier it bringr aboutl roon pay ite coet.
Thc advantagcr of mcchanical piling with thc t'Hilkc" aro ro numerou! that no up-to-detc lumber plgnt can afrord to overlook tLen.
Write us fc lwticular*