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Incorporated uds tbchwgof Crlifornl,r

J. C. Dionna, Pru. ud Tru-; J. E. Martlq Vlce-Pn:.; A. C. Merrym' Jr- Sccy. Publirhed ttc lrt ud l5th of cach molt at tit-rt-z0 Central Buildins, lot West Slxth Stnct, Lc Angcla, Cal., Tclcphono, VAndikc Entcrcd ar Seccnd-clarg mattcr Septenber B' lCz,' at thc Pct ofrl,cc at Loa Angeles, Callfomia, und.r Act of Manch I, lt?9.

Subrcription Pricc, $2.lXl pcr Year Singlo Copier,25 ccatr


How Lumber Looks

New business at the lumber mills bdoked during the ended November 4, 193t, was the heaviest reported in weeks and productio,n was down to May levels, acconding to rePorts to the Nationd Lumber Manufacturers Association from the regional associations covering the operations of leading hardwood and softwood mills. Reports made by !.J62 American mills geve ^ total production of 15913671000 feet; shipments 155'38t'000 feet; orders 169r662,(X)0 feet. Production of 22 Britieh Columbia mills reported by the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association was l2rztgr000 feet; shipments 9r725'fi)0 feet; orders 1E,259,fi)O feet.

we€k four November 4 as 2g7ll,000 feet, or 9 per cent below production, and shipments 2613541000 feet, or 10 pet cent below production. Productio,n was 29r28f00 feet.

The California Redwood Association for the month of September, 1933, reported Orders Received fot 12 mills ar 19r 6811000 feet; Orders on Hand 2416631000 feet; Shipmente 22,0r5r000 feet; Production 15,987,0fi) feet.

A total of 460 dovm and operating mills rcporting to the West Coast Lumberments Association for the week ended November 4 produced 86,97O,42E f.eet.

New business reported for the week by 395 mills was 94$2lr6E7 feeg shipments 75,7151977 feet, and production 8l'199,782 feet. Cument saleswere ovet productiotr by l5,SlVo, and shipmenta were under the output by 6.98Vo. The orders booked for the week by this group of mills were 26r000r0(X) feet, or 7fls over the precedin3 wee*k.

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Novembet 4 reported new business for 85 mills as 22r772rOO0 feet, shipments 1911651000 feet, and production 2011461000 feet. Orders were 13 per cent above production and 19 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 5 per cent below production.

The Western Pine Association for the week reported new business for 150 mills as 3115881000 feet, shipments 31'6561000 feet, and production 7tr456r000 feet, Orders were .3 per cent above production and .2 pet cent below shipments. Shipments were one per cent above production. *

6E3 hardwood mills gave new business for the week ended CREO.DIPT HEAD VISITS COAST

J. D. Giles, president of the Creo-Dipt Co., Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y., visited Seattle, San Francisco and Los Angeles in the latter part of October.

Mr. Giles, who is also president of the National Stained Shingle Association, the agency for the administration of the Stained Shingle Division of the Lumber Code, spent some time in the Northwest on Code business and visited his company's plant at Seattle.

In San Francisco he conferred with the Santa Fe Lumber Co., Northern California representative for Creo-Dipt products,'and in Southern California with Fisk & Mason, Pasadena, Southern California representatives.

Details of orders and shipments were as follows: Orders Re. ceived-Northern California 6,977rAOO feet; Southern Califotnia 3r2O2rO0/J feet; Vestern 63rq)O feet; Eastetn Er366r000 feet; Foreign 1,315,000 feet. Shipmetrts-No'rthern California Er 6691000 feet; Southetn California 3,227,OOO feet; Vestern 1501 0O0 feet; Easte'rn 8,944OO0 {eet; Foreigrr 1,045p00 fect.

In anticipation of t{re minimum coot production prices going into effect the California demand showed a big increase during the first ten days of the month. Unsold stocks on the public docks at Los Angeles on November 6 totaled 670 000 fe€t. Cargo arivale at the port of Loo Angeles for the week ended Novembet 6 totaled 8rt30r000 feet which included 12 catges of Fir with 7r957ro00 feet, and one cargo of Redwood with 37trO0O f.eet. 56 vesoels were operating in the coastwise lumber trade on November 1; 49 vessels were laid up.

Calling On Eastern Trade

H. W. Swafford, E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, is rnaking a business trip through the Middle Western and Eastern states where he is calling on the trade and their Sugar Pine and California White Pine connections. He will return to Los Angeles the latter part of the month.


Harry B. Aisthorpe of Chico, well known Northern California retail lumberman, was operated on for appendicitis at the Enloe Hospital on November 6. Mr. Aisthorpe is assistant manager of the Aisthorpe Lumber Co. at Chico.

Will Be Back On Territory December 1

C. H. Miller, Los Angeles, Southern California representative for the Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, is convalescing from a recent eye operation and w.ill be back on his territory about December 1. During his illness, Bill Morrison, who represents the company in the Valley territory with headquarters at Sacramento, is also calling on the Southern California trade.

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