1 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Not Steady Enough
A certain Southern farmer had a reputation for being a mighty hard man to work for. He had plenty of cattle and horses, conducted a dairy, and when he worked a hand, he WORKED him.
One day a darkey applied to him for a job. His reference from his last boss was good. "I need a man," said the farmer, "and I wouldn't mind taking you on ifI were sure you were a steady hand, and not afraid of work. But I want a man that's steady."
The colored one who was desperately in need of a job assured him that he really liked to work, and that he was the "mos' dependable nigguh" in the entire country. So he got the job.
He started to work long before the rooster started to crow, and it was generally just eighteen hours later when he finally got a chance to drag his tired body to his cot over the barn, to sleep. He stood it a week without complaining. Then he walked in at the end of the week and announced his resignation.
"Just what I expected," said the disgusted employer. "f had a hunch you didn't want a steady job."
"Yassuh Ah does," protested the dark one. "Dass jus' de trouble. Dishere job jus' ain't stiddy 'nuff fo'me."
"What?" exclaimed the farmer. "Not steady enough? What do you mean it ain't steady enough?"
"Dass right," insisted the darkey. "FI'it jus' ain't stiddy 'nuff to suit me. You lays me off six hours eve'y day."
Lumber Suit Quashed Mainland Retailers Hold Annual
Portland, Ore., October 3O.-Federal Judge John H. McNary today dissolved a temporary restraining order against four lumber companies accused of having violated the code of fair competition by price cutting, because he said he does not know whether NRA price fixing is valid or invalid.
Judge McNary said that if the NRA code section is later held invalid and the restraining order should meanwhile stand, there would be no way to reimburse the operators for monev lost pending completion of suits filed by the Government.
Ed. Culnan, Western Lumber Compan, San Diego, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he called on the lumber trade.