4 minute read

Ten of The Years Ago Today

From the ftles Calilornia Lumber Merchant, November 15,1924

A dinner dance, sponsored by the Los Angeles HooHoo, was held at the Vista Del Arroyo, Pasadena, on October 30. Jack Rea was gendral chairman of the arrangements committee. *.**

"The Association fdeal," an editorial by Jack Dionne, appears in this issue. * ,r *

Funeral services for George X..Wendling, pioneer California lumberman, were held at San Francisco on October3l' * * *

The arinual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association was held at the Biltmore lfotel, Los Angeles, Friday and Saturday, November 7-8.


President C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier, called the convention to order Friday morning and introduced George E. Cryer, Mayor of the City of Los Angeles, who extended a welcome to the delegates. After reading his annual report, President Pinkerton turned the meeting over to A. E. Fickling, who presided over the business session. Speakers at the morning session rvere: Paul Langworthy; M. A. Harris; Francis Cuttle; O. H. Barr and E. P. Ivory.


F. Dean Prescott was chairman of the Friday afternoon session. Sam T. Hayward, W.A. Blanchard, Francis Boyd, Herbert Stone, Colin Harris, F. N. Gibbs, E. H. Tucker, G. R. Christie, and H. E. Milliken addressed the convention at the Fridav afternoon session. ***

The annual banquet was held Friday evening at the Biltmore Hotel with over three hundred and fifty present. During the dinner, there was an excellent entertainment. J. M. Chase rvas chairman of the reception committee. The entertainment committee included Henry Riddiford, Chairman; A. L. lfoover, A. W. Donovan, and J. J. Rea. * t( .+.

The Saturday half - day session .was presided - ov-er by Fresident Pinkerton. F. Dean Piescott was thefirst speaker; and was followed by A. B. Wastefl, Associa-tion mandgir, who rtadg. llis-:rsrnua.!,-r€.trfort. The Santa Barbara' members urgiil that' the new board of directors ftt".t Santa Barbara as the next convention citv. After ' the resolutions committee submitted their report, the convention"d:irttr.a.

San Francisco building permits for the first ten months of. l9]4 showed a total of. $45,973,213 as compared with for re23, W,266,077 tor 7e22rnd $18,0e2,361

' The Grenfell Lumber Co., Colusa, has completed the construction of a new lumber shed. Their office has also been equipped with an attractive display and service room.

The San Joaquin Valley Lumbermen's Club met on Saturday, October 18, at the Fresno Hotel, Fresno. J. H. Ferger was chairman of the meeting. ***

The E. L. Blackman Lumber Co. of Oakland celebrated the twenty-sixth anniversary of the firm on Sunday, October 26, with a banquet at the Hotel Oakland. ***

Sylvester L. Weaver has returned from an extended trip through the east. He was a delegate from the Los Angeles chamber of commerce.to the annual meeting of the United States chamber of commerce held at Washington, D. C.

Chas. Buckley, San Joaquin Lumber Co., was the winner of the horseshoe pitching contest held under the auspices of the Stockton Service Clubs.

The annual meeting and banquet of the employees of the Kewin Lurnber Co. rvas held at the Hotel Hughson, Modesto, on the evening of October 18.

H. M. Isenhower and Miss Frances Lehman were married at San Francisco on November 3. rF >F -t

A page carries the photographs of several Fresno retail lumber yards.

The annual meeting of the Lumber Salesmen's Club of San Francisco was held at the Palace Hotel on November 3. Officers elected rvere : Mel N. Salomon, president; Harry Corlett, vice presiclent, and J. E. Martin, secretarytreasurer. *** hold their San Fran-

White Brothers had an attractive booth displaying the various kinds of hardrvoods and veneers handled by this firm at the Industrial Exposition held at the Civic Auditorium, San Francisco. *' -'k' * :. .i -,ir:...:. r:.

,,itne"i"'i, un niaiirlt#rticle on the main distributing yard of the C. Ganahl Lumber Company at 5900 Avalon Blvd., Los Angeles, which was recently completed.

The Millwork Institute of California will quarterly meeting at the St. Francis Hotel, cisco. on November 20-21.

The San Diego Hoo-Hoo Club held their.dgular Wednesday nooday luncheon'at the Maryland Hotel on November 5. Professor Lewis G. Lesley of the San Diego State College addressed the meeting.

The San Francisco Hoo-Hoo Club met at the Palace Hotel on November 13. President Rod Hendrickson pre- sided. The Club announces that the be held in December.

The Homer T. Hayward Lumber Hammond Lumber Company yard at annual Hi-Jinks will

Co. has bought the Hollister.

30,000 Miles bv Air This Year

Walter J. Mulligan, of W. J. Mulligan & Co., San Francisco, wholesale export and domestic lumber dealers, returned recently from a round trip by air to New York. He was accompanied on this journey by Mrs. Mulligan. This was Mr. Mulligan's fifth round trip transcontinental air journey this year, made in connection rvith his firm's import business. Mr. Mulligan expected by the time this is in print to have made his sixth double jaunt by air to New York, making a total of more than 30,000 air miles this year. This undoubtedly makes him a record holder among Pacific Coast lumbermen, both for mileage and hours in the air.

Attends Miami Convention

Newton Isaacs of the Corning Lumber Co., Corning, attended the recent American Legion Convention at Miami, Florida. Mr. Isaacs was accompanied by his wife.

Los Angeles Visitor

C. M. Freeland, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co.. San Francisco, spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office the first part of the month.

Installs Teletype

A Western Union teletype machine was recently installed in the offices of the California Redrvood Association.


C. W. Stimson, Stimson Mill Company, Seattle, was a recent Los Angeles visitor where he spent several days on business.

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