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Sash Doors Mtllwork
The first annual meeting of the Mainland Retail Lumbermen's Association was held at the Terminal City Club, Vancouver, B. C., Tuesday, October 9. L. C. Thomas, Vancouver Lumber Co., was elected president, and G. R. Hackett, Robertson & Hackett Sawmills, vice president.
Directors elected were H. C. Airth, False Creek Lumber Co.; H. B. Armitage, Valley Lumber Yards; F. O. Hodgson, llodgson Lumber Co.; Geo. Morrison, Alberta Lumber Co.; A. H. Perry, Kerrisdale Lumber Co.; F. N. Tait, Eburne Sawmills; C. Walsh, Canadian Western Lumber Co., and C. H. Winsdale, Moharvk Lumber Co. W. Goddard is secretary of the retail group.
Returns From South Dakota Trip
Clint Laughlin, California Wholesale Lumber Association, Los Angeles, has returned from a two weeks' trip to Chamberlain, South Dakota, where he visited his father and mother and attended their sixtieth wedding anniversary.
J. G. Ferguson, president of the Clovis Lumber Co., Clovis, arrived in San Francisco November 6 from a round trip to the Northwest made on the McCormick Steamship Company's steamer Emergency Aid.
Mi;ferguson visited Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouvei, B. C., and also the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Cortrphny's sawmills at Port Ludlow and' Port Gamble, where he used to work many years ago for Pope & Talbot.