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lf You Are, You Should Have This Valuable Aid

New ptospective customers can now be r(spottedtt quickly in the TWICE.A-WEEK Supplements to the Lumbermen's Credit Rating Book, as alt NEV NAMESCHANGES in NAME-or SUCCESSIONS are clearly signalled.

This makes it easy for the sales manager to solicit these names promptly.

If the magnitude of thoroughly understood country, in the opinion Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seatile, h. the Better Housing Program were by the retail lumber dealers of the of Mr. Woodbridge, manager of the 'Wash., every man interested in the sale and applica- tion .of buildingmaterials would be out working night and day to j promote this important Federal activity. Mr.

W..W. Woodbridge believes that with proper support from the field, the BetterHousing Program will be the greatest stimulant to building the country has ever known, but proper support is vitally necessary at this time.

With this in mind, the Bureau is distributing literature throughout the country carrying the message of FHA. The accompanying illustration is from a small leaflet, small envelop size, which together with newspaper electros, mats and special booklets they have available for free distribution. The literature is mailed out the same day requests are received.

The credit ratings in this book are revised and kept up-to-date by means of an EXCLUSIVE SYSTEM based on TWICE-AWEEK Supplements-the moot practical system yet devised for suppying up-to-date credit information.

If you are not now using this unique service for yout credit and sales information about buyers of lumber and allied products get in torrch with our nearest ofice for rates and our 3o-day APPROVAL subscription plan.


Located in Houston, Texas. Big steel shed, overhead electric 'crane and locomotive crane. On paved highway, rail and water transportation. Fully equipped for low cost handling of West Coast products and heavy timbers'


VAUGHAN LUMBER CO., P. O. Box 1447. Houston. Texas.

For Sale

Stock of lumber and hardware. This will bear the closest investigation. Location right in the heart of a fastgrowing section. In fact the fastest growing section in the U. S. Yard and buildings can be leased. Someone will pick this up very soon-so you must act quickly. Address Box C-521 California Lumber Merchant.


EXPERIENCED LUMBER CLERK wants position as bookkeeper, comptometer operator or general office work -Los Angeles District preferred. Address Box C-524, California Lumber Merchant.


Outside salesman thoroughly familiar the retail lumber and building material ience in oil field trade advantageous. ferred. Outline in detail experience giving references and salary expected. Lumber Merchant, care Box C-526.

with all phases of business. ExperMarried man preand qualifications, Address California

For Sale Or Lease

For sale or lease ideal location for lumber yard or any allied product, or light manufacturing. Lot 150 ft. front facing Slauson Avenue, and 400 ft. deep to three railroad services, near corner Avalon Boulevard -630 East Slauson, Los Angeles, Calif.

t-story building facing Slauson Avenue 75 ft. x M ft.; about one million people pass this location per month.

Call Mr. Greene at PRospect 3215. SYLVESTER L. WEAVER

548 Chamber of Commerce Building


Los Angeles dnd Southern California lumber yards for sale. Address Box C-480. Care California Lumber Merchant.

Experienced Yard Manager

Eighteen years experience managing yards doing $20,000 to $200,000. Ten years in California with one company. Understand bookkeeping, estimating, and especially paint and hardware. Good salesman and collector. I am 45 years of age and can give best of references. Address J. M. Bingham, 5719 College Ave., Oakland, California.

Employment Wanted

By experienced Foreman, Yard Clerk or Sales and General Utility Man. Not afraid to work. Address Box 110, North Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, California.

Home Repair Drive Under W.y Second lnstallment Payment Made to Creditors of Hoo Hoo In Southern California

Home modernization campaigns under the Federal Housing Act are under way in nearly a score of Southern California cities with the appointment of chairmen to head the drive in the various communities.

The committee heads, already announced by Fred W. Marlow, Southern California housing administrator, include:

Douglas Young, San Diego; Clarence Richardson, Long Beach; Cyril Bennett, Pasadena; Dr. George W. Blanche, Glendale;J. E. Suverkrup, San Bernardino; Robert L. Wilson, San Diego; W. V. Pittman, Riverside; George Hartzig, Alhambra; C. N. Hislop, Bakersfield; F. A. Osgood, Huntington Park; J. M. Paige, Pomona; C. C. Richards, Jr., Burbank; Jack Swain, Whittier; D. H. Burden, Compton; W. S. Elton, Ventura; R. Ellis Wales, Beverly Hills; M. O. King, El Centro; Sherman Hoyt, Ontario, and H. S. Mackay, Jr., Los Angeles.

The Reorganization Committee of Hoo-Hoo with offices at 742 Lumber Exchange Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, announce that a sufficient number of contributions have been received from the membership to permit a second installment payment on the old obligations of the ordei and that checks for 5 per cent of the original amounts have been mailed to all creditors, including beneficiaries and salary claims.

The Committee appreciates the response from the members which has made this payment possible. They hope to have additional contributions so that another installment payment can be made at an early date.

The necessary work of the order is being conducted at a minimum of expense and members should feel free to call on the Committee for any help they can give.

There are still several copies of the three talks on "The Romance of Lumber" and "Homes of Wood" available for distribution. These talks will be mailed gratis on request

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