3 minute read
The Pacifiic Lumber Co. Buys West Coast Trustees Vote to Steamer Lake Galewood Eliminate Code Prices
The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco' announces the purchase of the steel steamer Lake Galewood, formerly ownecl by Sudden Steamship Company. The Lake Galewood is a Lake type vessel, built on the Great Lakes in 1918, 253 feet long, with 23 feet beam. The vessel rvill be renamed the Scotia.
"This vessel has an exceptionally deep hold, difiering in this respect from most lumber carriers which carry a large portion of their cargo on deck," said Albert J. Nolan, Western sales manager of the company.
"This feature is particularly attractive to tls, as it will enable us to stow all of our lumber in the hold, thus protecting it irom sea and weather. A large proportion of our Redwood is shipped dry, and it is going to be a big advantage to be able to keep it under cover, insuring delivery in perfect condition. All lumber will be shipped in unit packages.
"The vessel will immediately go on a bi-monthly schedule, leaving Humboldt Bay every other Friday, and arriving at San Pedro every other Monday. Discharge at San Francisco Bay points will be made on the return trip," Mr. Nolan said.
S. F.
W. A. Constans, resident sales manager of Weyerhaeuser Timber Company's Klamath Falls mill, was a recent visitor at the ofifice of the Weverhaeuser Sales Co., San Francisco.
By a vote of 14 to 7 trustees of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association adopted a resolution calling for elimination of the price-fixing provision of the lumber code, at a meeting held in Tacoma, October 30.
The board also ratified by a vote of 14 to 8 the appeal filed in Washington against retention of price fixing by a committee consisting of Frank lf. Ransom, Homer \M. Bunker, Morris H. Jones and Walter B. Nettleton.
The resolutions were as follows:
1. "Whereas, The majority of the operators in the West Coast Lumber and Logging Division are convinced that the so-called 'cost protection' or 'fixed' prices on lumber are impracticable, unworkable and unfair, this being evi.lenced by petitions from the majority of operators representing a majority of the capacity; therefore be it
"Resolved, That the trustees of the Association hereby rescind all previous resolutions in favor of so-called 'cost irotection' or 'fixed' prices on lumber, and be it further
"Resolved, That the officers, employees and stafi of the -\ssociation also the delegates to the Lumber Code Authority, are hereby instructed to exert their best effort to bring about the immediate elimination of these features from the code."
2. "Resolved, That in view of the appeal from the former resolution of this Board already filed in'Washington by a committee representing the anti-price fixing group of the West Coast Division, this Board hereby ratifies said appeal and instructs the staff of the ASsociation to proceed with all possible dispatch toward having an early date set for the hearing, also toward immediate preparation for presentation at said hearing of adequate evidence and arguments for the elimination of so-called 'cost protection' or 'fixed' prices on lumber."
3. "Resolved, That rve reaffirm our complete belief in and pledge our adherence to, those provisions of the Lumber Code dealing with minimum wages and maximnm working hours."
The third resolution was adopted by a 20 to 1 vote.
Such Fires Cost Money!
David T. Mason, executive of the Lumber Code Authority, who had flown from the national capital for the meeting, spoke at length outlining the steps in the code formation, and the decision of the industry as a whole at Chicago early in October to stand by the entire code.
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Ask any of our Companies about our policies and, the protection, sentice anil satting aaailable for you.
Cornlfuilramfrhd llc hnboman frtd luruc Conput of lurruc Corpur ol Vu Ycrt OLio furfidd, OLio luliulubcruoi|ltul llortfrcrtenfrbdDin lumcc Coupuy of Arocirrio of luliupo[r, ld S€rr|c'WrL ff,c hrbcr l3tnl R|. Pcrethuir Lunbcnu lnrc Corprry o6 tr*rrl Fin hrnrc co. of 8..tx. te PSlllobfir, Pl
Mr. Mason indicated that if the West Coast I-umbermen's Association resigns its position as administrative agency for the West Coast Division, itwill become the duty of the NRA to administer the code in this division.
Open New Yard
W. W. Herron and M. G. Anderson have opened a retail lumber yard at 9060 Santa Monica Blvd. at Dohenv Drive, Los Angeles, which they are operating under the name of the Vernon Lumber Company. Mr. Herron and Mr. Anderson are well known in the Los Angeles territory where they have been connected with the retail lumber business for a long period.