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The Wolrnanized* rnarlt of proteetion labels grood fobsr profitable Business

A lumberman looking at a construction job instinctively appraises the materials, the profit on them. and when the lumber is Wolmanized* (every piece marked) he recognizes satisfaction for the owner, profit for the yard which supplied it.

Youryard can profit from this growing business. Profits are protected because Wolmanized Lumber* is sold only through regular trade channels. Have your own lumber treated, or draw on stocks of well-known producers, who ship in straight or mixed carloads.

It helps you increase business. You can tell prospects: "The mark indicates reliable protection, pressure treatment with Wolman Salts* preservative, a specific safeguard against decay and termites. This handles like ordinary lumber; you can paint, nail, or stain it. The treafihent is odorless, won't leach out or corrode metal. Yet it costs less than 2/s extra on the ordinary house."

Tellthat story. It offers extra inducement to deal with you, and brings in extra business. Ask us for full information. AMERICANLUMBER & TREATING COMPANY, 1405 Old Colony Building., Chicago.

Ias Angeles: 1031 Souf/r Btoadway, Prospect 5558 San Francl'sco: 116 New Mont$ometl St., Suttet 1225 *Rcgist€rcd Trade-llark

California Pines



Continuous year round production. Kiln dried or air dried lumber. Straight cars or mixed cars of lumber and plywood products.



Sates Ofice: 715 Vestern Pacifc Bldg., 1O31 So. Broadway

Varehoure: L. C. L. Vholesale, 7O2 E. Slauson Ave.


Sales Ofice: 315 Monadnock Building

(Contiuued from page 6)

Sam Jones used to tell about the stranger who went into a church one Sunday morning, and no,one invited him to sit down. Finally he touched the shoulder of a long-faced guy in a rear seat, and said to him, .,Mister, whose church is this?" And the long-faced one replied, ,.Christ's Church, sir, Christ's Church." And meekly the visitor asked, ,,Is He in?" The long-faced one saw the point, got up in a huff and got the stranger a seat. And when he got back he found his light was out, and he accused the stranger of putting it out, when all he had done was kick over the bushel.


A school of thought whose tight is out, but whose bushel has not yet been kicked over, is that which says that we can ever balance the budget in this country, and still keep on giving away billions for nothing. It's like the Two Black Crows used to say years ago, .,The doctor told me to eat chicken three times a day, and stay in nights_but you can't do that."

Here is another ."noor* "i .rlo"rn.. The following is from a column in the Los Angeles Times: .,What this country needs is a little artistic six-room dwelling selling for around $l,0OO. Should be fortune in it for people who can design small reasonably priced artistic homes that are different and have a touch of class, as do the popular priced automobiles. Automobile industry is pointed at the incomes of 93 per cent of the population; the building industry is directed at incomes of only 7 per cent.,' yes sir ! He's right about that ! Any man who can design an attractive, artistic home, with a totrch of class, and with bathrooms and other necessities, for around $1,000 could certainly cldan up. But he would have to have legerdemain added to his business instincts to do so. The plumbing and lighting in a six-room house would cost nearly that much.

The only way he "o,rta lo n -""rU be to copy the meth- ods of the English Cockney broom-seller they used to tell about. His competitor said to him, .,,Arry, Hi d.on,t see how you undersells me like you do. Hi steals me 'andles, and Hi steals me wire, and Hi steals me brush, and still you cuts me price. 'Ow do you do it? Andthe o,ther answered, "I{i steals me brooms." And that, of course, is agin the law.

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The Times' writer is correct in his assumption that the motor car industry outsells the home building industry. But that is easily understood, and cannot be helped. The motor car industry is in the hands ofjust about a dozen units, who can and do crack the industry like a bull-whip. The building industry is in tens of thousands of different hands, lacking any semblance of coordination as to merchandising, planning, etc. It's too bad, but that's the way it is.

Don't forget, however, that homes could not possibly be merchandised like motor cars, even if the industry were in as few hands as automobiles. You don't suppose you could induce one million people each year to buy and occupy a home just exactly and identically like one million others, do you? Certainly not! Such a condition would be a horror on the face of the earth. Now and then you see a dozen similar houses built in a row, and the sameness is always objectionable. No, homes and motor cars are different propositions. The average motor car buyer buys a new one every other year. The average home buyer buys but one in a lifetime.


Which doesn't change the belief that if home building were in the hands of the motor car industry it would be made to do tremendous things. Someone asked Henry Ford once what he would do if he went broke, and he replied that he would figure out something everyone wanted and arrange to make and sell it for less than anyone else, and get rich again. And I am certain he would, even at his age.

The decrler who stocks VEIO HighEcrrly-Strengrth Portlcrnd CEMEI'IT is in c position to serve customers when the service is most keenlY crpprecicrted.

Concrete work must often be done in crn industriol plont without interfering with production. There is a machine foundotion to be built, a fioortobe laid, a drivewoy or looding plctform to be repoired in the shortest time possible. Around homes ond public buildings, qlso, similcr emergencies cnise.

And VELO is THE emergency cement. In mqny types of work it mokes concrete ready for use within 24 hours. Foundation forms con be stripped in 48 hours or less. Being extremely plostic, VELO mcrkes qn eqsy mix ond cr dense, wotertight concrete. Its finol strength meets the highest stondcnds for Portlond cement.

RecommendVELO without quclificctions cnd keep it in stock Ior customers' emergencies.!


Telephone: Mlchigcrn l8l I tro sEooth aurlacEs aad greatadaptability Dake it tbe preferred material lor hone craltgnea.

I Cold weather drivea people indoors and sfarfs trorna woikshops humminp! Here is ertra "repeit- aale" businesg lor alert dealers primed forthe demand withWeatherwood Hardboard+t Answera cvcty tequirement of the home craltsman. Givea you the lion's ehare oI this ready market-nakes eelling easn and btin4s cusfomers 6ack for mote.


Both aurfacee are srnoofi and denso -each with a slightly dillerent shade of the eame rich, mottled color, giv- iuq a tertured effect, Each gurlace may be paiated, lacquered or €aameled, as deglred. Can be aailed, glued, cut, aawed, milled, planed, sanded, die-cut or punched.

Weatherwood Hardboard comee in two $pesthe true Hardboard, and the seml - hard Structoboard, lear compressed but having great rigidity. Both have the two smooth eurlaces and all other featureg deacribed above. We also lurnieh all typee of treated Hardboard, iacluding treated tilewith amooth face and screeaback. Scnd lor Sonrpler ond Full Informo?lon tlrllr"d1:'",j""'d rt-c i! dan.Dd.

Check These Many f/sesPNOFIT OPPOMUilITIES AII.I

Bookcc.s Doglousca 8q.3 F.od Bins Broodorllouccc llonGoooc DllDlrySigtl3 W6to8.d(ctt -ad hutdrcdrof oficr ib|||3l For wsirlcottDEllleathervood Hardboard comple- m€Etr ibe ncw BLENDfEX Inrulatirg PluL aadTile.

Ulited Stqter Gypruu Compaay /-l 3OO Weet Adam! St., Chic.go,Ilt. \-/ Pleare send, sampler aad lull lalornatioo olWeathenoodHardboard. cl{-lr-l'



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