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ood Concern MoY€s ocation
and the floors are of % inch stock. The ceiling panels are full 16 feet long. The finish used on rvalls and ceilings is intended to preserve the natural appearance of the r"'ood which usually fades rvhen treated in the ordinary lna.nner. Trim of Philippine Mahogany and Sugar Pine is used and the floor is painted a rust color.
"Plywood for every purpose" means just that, ar-rd the Maris Plyrvood Corporation line includes plyrvood in all thicknesses from l/32 inch three-ply to 9l inch 93-ply. Panels up to 8l feet u'ide and 16 feet long.
Douglas Fir plyr.vood is stocked in sizes of /3 inch to 4 inches thick up to 5 feet wide and up to 16 feet lor.rg.
Harbord Super plywood, a weather-proof plyu'ood, t/t inch to 1 inch thick up to 5 feet wide and 12 feet long.
Harbord Redrvood Super plyrvood-/s incl-r to 1 inch thick, up to 5 feet rvide and 12 feet long.
Ponderosa Pine plyrvood-/3 inch to I inch thick, 4 feet r,vicle and 8 feet long.
Structural plyrvood-l s/g inches to 4 inches thick.
Concrete form plywood-% inch form-liners and srt incb thick forms, oil treated and edges rezited (resin sealed).
Hardwood plywood stock includes a ge.neral line of domestic and foreign hardrvoods in commercial sizes.
Available inall domestic and foreign hardrvood surfaces in sizes 48 inches wide and up to 12 feet long.
Ifomer B. Maris, president and general manager.
Homer E,. Maris, in charge of warehottse sales.
David Maris, country salesman.
Wayne I. Rawlings, in charge of industrial and architectural sales.
These offices rvere designed to fulfill a long-needed function, that is, to offer a display of plyrvood in its practical application in a place available to the architect, builder and lumber merchant.
Plywood material, rvhich has been tested through many years of use, is, comparatively speaking, a recently developed product. It is only through modern production methods that its cost has been brought to a point where its general commercial use is almost universal.
The treatment of the offices is modern for simplicity of line and form rvhich direct the vision of the observer undisturbed to the beauty of the material itself. Color is used to attract attention, because this is after all a merchandising concern, and to suggest the suitability of their material for other merchandising concerns, such as department stores, small shops, lunch rooms; etc.
The Walnut room is planned to shorv the rare beauty ofa matched hardrvood room and to suggest the adaptability of such material for fine offices and residential work.
The display room, rvith its great variety of hardwoods, is for the special convenience of architects and builders when consulting with their clients and for that purpose it has been furnished with chairs and a conference table.
These offices were designed by Philip Pinner, San Fran-
Oakland Home Show
The Oakland Home Show, held in the Oakland Municipal Auditorium, October 25 to 30, attracted a large attendance.
The exhibitors included the following firms: Peerless Built-In Fixture Co., Berkeley; United States Gypsum Company; Strable Hardwood Co.,Oakland; Marshall Shingle Co., Oakland; The Paraffine Companies; The Insulite Company; Paramount Built-In Fixture Co., Oakland; Wolff Mfg. & Sales Co., Oakland.
There was a joint wood exhibit sponsored by the following: Lannom Bros., Oakland; Loop Lumber & Mill Co., Alameda; Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Co., Sa.n Francisco; Vancouver Plywood & Veneer Co.; Atkinson Mill & Mfg. Co., Oakland; Hogan Lumber Co., Oakland; Oakland Planing Mill, Oakland; Piedmont Lumber & Mill Co.; Smith Lumber Co. of Oakland; Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Oakland; Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland; E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Oakland Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., C)akland.
The Redwood siding in the model h,ome which was on exhibition was furnished by the California Redwood Association, and Redwood paneling in the interior was furnished by members of the Calif'ornia Redwood Association.
Sheetrock, finished with Textone and Texolite was used on the walls of several of the rooms in this home.
Back From Middlewest Trip
Fred Chapir.l, San Bernardino retailer, and Mrs. Chapin have returned from a trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where they spent a few weeks visiting Mr. Chapin's father and mother.
C. W. Buckner, California representative for Harbor Plywood Corp., of Hoquiam, Wash., has moved l-ris office in San Francisco to 540 Tenth Street, where he has larger and more convenient quarters.
lfis new telephone number is HEmlock 7997.
Buys Yard At Madera
The Sequoia Lumber Company has purchased the Hammond Lumber Company yard at Madera. Charles L. Marsh will continue as manager of the yard and John NlcNally as assistant manager. F. Dean Prescott is president of the company. Headquarters of the Sequoia Lumber Company are at Fresno.
Operating Restaurant At Alhambra
Earle Hubbard, formerly assistant purchasing agent for the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., Los Angeles, has formed a partnership withVictor Dodd, well knorvn chef, and they are operating a restaurant at 1237 East Main Street, Alhambra, under the name of Victor's Steak House. I\{any of Earle's lumbermen friends are dropping in to see him at his new location.
In the November 1 issue under "Ten Years Ago Today" it stated the Superior Lumber & Fuel Co., Sacramento, had been sold to Carl D. Hagge and Frank H. White. This was in error as the yard was sold to Carl D. Hagge and Frank H. Allen.