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Pion eer San Francisco to Neut
Carstenite is a product of the Algoma Pl1'wood ct Veneer Co., of Algoma, Wisconsin, and is made under hotplate process rvithTego (a resinous bond), faced rvith Hardrvoods on r/a inch fibreboard. Orving to the extreme sizes this product can be used econornically, particularly on large surfaces. It can be nailed or glued direct to studs and presents the same appearance as regular veneer plylvood u'hen finished. The extremely rvide and long surfaces ayailable ansu'er the long-felt need for large hardrvood panels that are economical.
Private Offices
Tl-re president's office is paneled in Walnut veneer, cnt from an lS-foot 1og, a very uncommon length in Walnut. The panels are rnatched to run horizontalll', giving an untusual and dignified appearance. All trim is of. specialll' desigrred Walnut molding.
shipping cnd warehou'"oX1ti" #::iui|:*t"s l6-Ioot Douslcs Fir
Having outgrorvn their old location, opposite the Southern Pacific station in San Francisco, Maris Plyrvood Corporation recently moved to their nerv and larger quarters at 540 Tenth Street. The new location is between Bryant and Brannan Streets on Tenth. It is on the main artery for traffic going north and south and between San Francisco's two great bridges.
The warehouse has a ground area of 17,000 square feet and has facilities for unloading three freight cars, and for quick loading of trucks under shelter.
The shipping and rvarehouse sales offices are on the main floor and the general sales offices, display room and private offices are on the second floor.
"Plywood for every purpose" is the slogan of Maris Plyrvood Corporation, and in keeping withthis plyrvood has l>een used in the offices for floors, walls, ceilings, seats and on both curved and straight surfaces.
A total of 38 different woods is used on the rvalls of the various offices and in the display room, including Douglas Fir, Redrvood, and various exotic harclu,oods.
Display Room
The display room is unique. On its walls are 34 panels of hardwoods from the rvorld's markets, including all domestic hardwoods. The panels are the full height of the room, ten feet, and are two feet wide. They are all Carstenite for rvhich this concern is exclusive distributor for Northern California, Oregon ar-rd Washington. The foreign hardwoods used include African Mahogany, East Indian and Brazilian Roservood, Thuya, Queenland Butts, East Indian Laurel Burl, Carpathian Elm Burl, English Ilarewood, Satinwood, Avodire,Ayous, Zebrawood, Prima Vera, Tamo, Tiamo, Padouk, and many others.
The private office of C. W. Buckner, California representative o{ Harbor Plywood Corporation, is paneled in Harbord Redrvoocl ply'rvood, trimtnecl with Philippine Mahogany.
Sales O,ffices
The rvalls of the ge.neral sales office show an unusual treatment of Douglas Fir plywood stained in a blue-green color. This office has a plyrvood floor painted dark blue. The rvalls and floor harmonize to achieve a soft and cool appearance. Horizontal battens, baseboard and counter top are of light Prima Vera to give a note of contrast.
The shipping and warehouse sales offrce is of Douglas Fir plyrvood throughout. Walls and ceilings are of fu inch