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Insulite Directors Announce Promotions
Minneapolis, I\ inn.
-The Board of Directors of 'f he Insulite Company, rvell kno'wn rnanufactttrers of structural building rnaterials and insulation proclncts, announce t l-r e election of E. H. Batchelder, Jr., to the position of senior vicepresident. I{is headquarters rvill continue to be in Minneapolis and he rvill direct the affairs of the compally in all its departnrcnts. For the past five vears
Mr. Batchelder has l.racl charge of the sales dethe office of vice-rresiclent and
Following Mr. Batchelder's promotion, Ii. W. Nlorrill, previously executive assistant to vice-president and general sales manager, has bee.n named as the head of the national sales department in the capacity of general sales lnanager.
At the same time, two newly created executive sales positions are announced, with headquarters at Chicago. NI. G. Jensen rvill become general merchandising manager haudling solicitation ancl promotion; and N{. C. Juell becomes executive assistant guiding exectttive matters relatir.rg to nrarket and field activities.
These men lrave been active in the sales clepartment of the companv {or the last five years, and the promotions announced are the result of Insulite's remarkable progress and expansion since tl-rey took l-rold of it. Under their guidance, Insulite entere'd into a greatly expandecl sales program ancl has der.eloped an enlargecl line of structural rnaterials rvhich are sold by lumber dealers in all parts of the country and abroad. The company maintair-rs an active sales organization throughout the entire country rvith sales offices in N{inneapolis, Nerv York, Chicago, Washington, St. Louis and San Francisco. Plants to serve American business are located at International Falls, Minnesota, in the heart of the spruce producing area, and foreign business is servecl b1' a large plant at Karhula, Finland, and sales offices in several important European capitols.
Ten Years Ago Today
From Noven5er 15,1927 lssue
Over three-quarters of rvas sold by the Chas. R. to Stanford University 16,800 spectators in the a million feet of lumber McCormick Lumber Co. for seating capacity of Stanford stadium.
Central Valley Lumbermen's Club held a meeting at the plant of the Calaveras Cement Co. tiear San Andreas on November 5. The company invited the club to be their guests and made the day a success in every r,vay.
T. H. Kervin, president of the Yards, Inc., was host to a party mostly lumber salesmen, at his about fifteen miles above Sonora. entertainecl over Saturclay night
A nerv lumber yard, pany, has bebn opened at
United Lur.nber of trventy-eight, mountain lodge The party n'ere and Sunday. Bostonia Lumber ComBostonia.
A career sketch of issue. Joe Tardy appears in this
The East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club held their monthly luncheon at the Hotel Leamington, Friday, October 22. Ford E. Samuels lvas the speaker of the day. President Clem Fraser presided.
The San Fernando Lumbermen's Club rnet at the Women's Club, North Hollywood, the evening of November 9. A rnotion picture of the Long-Bell Lumber Co. operations \1'as exhibited by Kenneth Smith. Presiclent W. R. Packrnarr presided-
Temlok Bevel Tone De Luxe
Insulating interior finishes, that not onll' e11.r factoryapplied color on the faces of the planks, panels, and tiles, but also contrasting colors on the beveled erlges of the r.naterials, are annoulrced lty the Arrnstrong Cork Products Companr'. The neu' product is callecl Ternlok lJevel Tor.re I)e Luxe.
Introclrrction of colorecl beveled edges to the Ternlok line uorv perr"nits a g'reater variety of color comltinatio,ns than