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i Rate---$z.5o Per Column Inch.
Position Wanted
Lumberman with several years' experience-both retail and wholesal+in selling, estimating and managerial capacity is available for a position with a reputable concern. Has wide acquaintance with contractors and dealers in Southern California and their requirements. Address Box C-697, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
40 acres virgin Redwood near Gerberville. Priced for prompt sale to close estate. Address S. H. May, % Y. M. C. A., Sacramento.
New Garage Door Line
A complete new line of lightrveight garage doors is being produced in the Tacoma, Washington. factory of the Wheeler Osgood Sales Corporatior.r, one of the country's largest manufacturers of doors. The new line. callecl the "One Thirty-Eight" by the manufacturer, is made with l% inch instead of the 1l inch stiles ancl rails used in conventional t-vpe garage <ioors.
A reduction of weight, averaging ZS/r: per door, is se_ cured. Construction improvements provide strength equal to and in some cases greater than that of the doors of the same design rvith conventional l%" stiles and rails. An improved form of deeper sticking, using a modified quarter-round on the outer face and square sticking on the inner face, provides a greatly increased bearing surface in the joints. This construction provides greater strength and ofisets the strength factor of the bulkier construction.
To prove that full strength had been maintained the new doors rvere submitted to Prof. Bror L. Grondal, College of Forestry, University of Washington, for testing. A special testing apparatus was developed capable of determining the practical working strength of garage doors. Both the conventional type and Wheeler Osgood "138" doors were subjected to the same severe tests.
The results of the exhaustive tests prove conclusively thatthe WOCO "138" line doors have equal or g-reater working strength than the conventional type doors of the same design with l/4" stile and rail construction.
The benefits to the user are briefly, a more satisfactory, lower-cost, higher-value garage door. The responsibility of sagging and other door "troubles" are reduced to a minimum ; operation of the door is easer and maintenance costs are practicallv eliminated.
Fliesto Los Angeles
Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Wholesale Salesman Wants Position
Experienced wholesale salesman open for a position. Has covered the Southern California territory for several years and knows the retail trade. Good references. Address Box C-698 Califonia Lumber Merchant.
Retail Yard For Sale
. Los Angeles lumber yard for sale. About $7,000 will handle. Ground leased. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Building, Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.