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Western Planing Mill Folks Organizel
LeMaster Is President
Permanent organization of ,the Weste_rn Planing \,Iill & Wood Working Congress was perfected a't a represen-tative.meeting of more than 200 plan- ing mill owners and operators in the Palace Hotel art San Francisco last Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
President, C. D. LeMaster. Fresno.
Vice-President, C. E. Cowdin, Portland.
A11 states west ,of the Rocky Mountains were represented. The need of an organization was manifested from the outset. There was no question about the formation of a permanent body to handle rthe numerous questions affecting the planing mill industry. Opinion on this subject was prac,tical- ly unanimous, so instead of wasting time in determining what should be ,the meeting at once started to make his.
Included.among the registrants were a great man1women and a banque,t and other social diversions were among the attractive features of the convention.
H. W. Gaetzen of San Francisco was the toastmaster at rthe banquet. The principal speaker was Robert Dollar, veteran ship operator and lumberman. He told, in in,teresting fashion, some. of his early day experiences in the logging and lumbering camps of eastern Canada and Michigan, and his later experiences in exporting lumber from the Pacific Coast to China-
Secretary-Treasurer, George M. Cornwall, Portland. Directors: C. D. LeMaster, C. E. Cowdin, George M. Cornwall, Clark W. Thomps,on, Tacoma; E. R. Maule, Los Angeles; H. G. Klopp, Missoula, Mont.;
E. W. Whitington, Victoria, B. C.; Arthur Craven, Provo, Utah; C. E. Schriver, Boise; Clyde pierce, Phoenix; Fred C. Bliss, Cheyenne; Dan, E. McAllister, Boulder, Colo.; Geor,ge C. Tichenor, Pontlind; W. G. Machabee, Reno; T. E. Whitmer, Albuquerque. Portland, Oregon selected as 1924 convention city.
Motion pictures of logging camps and saw mills in various parts of the West proved highly interesting and instructive.
The Convention was called to order bv C. D. LeMaster of Fresno, Manager of the San Joaquin Valley Mill Owners' Association, who acted as temporary chairman.
The address of welcome was made by Newton Lynch, Vice-Presiden't of the San F,rancisco ihamber of 'Commerce, who emphasized the business and harbor facilities