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Bruce Ceda'line
Is servins hundreds of happy housewives in this practicaiand useful way. and it can be installed it nominal cost in a few hours.
All poin ts, Mr. Dealer, which will appeal strongly to the women of your commnnity ittd not oily
Indiana Floorine Co.. New York City
E. Bartholomew-Hardwood Co., Chi;a8o, Ill.
Lawton Flooring & Shingle Company, Inc., Phitadelohia. Pa.
E. L. Soutfiern Company, Cleveland, Ohio open up a profitable market for Ceda'line, but aiso atiraci the attention of these feminine home makers to the real usefulness, to them, of your home building service. Call our near€st representatives.
Wm. C. McConnell Co., Cambridge, Boston, Masg. Bay Bros. Lumber Co., St. Louis, Mo. Twin City Hardwod Lumber Co., Minnesota Transfer, Mion.
E. L. Bruce, Pres.,624 South Normandie, Loe Angeles, Cal. Forest Lumber Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Iowa Omaha Hardwod Lunber Co., Omaha, Neb. R. D. Hunting Lumber Co.,
C. W. Bodge & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Cedar Rapids, IowaRalph S. D"avis, San dntonio,'Teras McEwen Lumber Co., Aeheville, N.-C. ^
V;;;. B;r., ti"ll"i, T.""s ' McFarland LumberCo., Calg-arv,,Alta., Canada
Geo. W. Cleveland, jr., Houston, Ter. lVarehouse flooring
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