1 minute read
Let the Plan Boo[< @ to Wonk
A plan book on the offlte shelf Will add no kopecs t/ your pelf Nor will it much inc/ease your biz. If you just let it stly as "fS," And not as 7]DOES." But take it dowry/and show yonr trade Exactly how gogftl HOMES are made; How rooms ary'planned and windows set, How doors argl hung-and we will bet Tha't Bl2 will Buzz.
For, look ydr, people like to think About the fest place for the sink And whet[er doors should open here Or there fnd whether paint is dear stain is cheap. They life 'to know rvhere stairs go up, And w$re the ki<l can keep his pup; Wher{Ma can seat her companl'; \Vherl Pa can find a balcony On which to sleep.
like to put a parlor front, Anf close,ts, so one need not hunt Fof shoes, and sheets and other ihings; icebox, for the man who brings The milk, is good. let your plan book tell a tale hat will go far to make a sale. how plan and lav-out, time' and cost And prove that beau-ty's gained, not los,t, By use of Wood.
Thus will you help those {olk increase Their comfort, haDpiness and peace. They will regret the coin they spent And freely gave, ithlqugh monthly rent, 'Their landlord man. And they rn,ill bless the day that you Woke up and showed what you could do In helping them a HOME to build, With comfort ,and with beauty filledAll throu,gh a PLAN.