2 minute read
What Is Service?
By Jack Dionne
The strenuous current of the tide of modern times has these two defir.ritions, gives an excellent interpretation, be- brought.into every. day modern use, the worcl "SERVICE." cause the giving of l,t-OOnRirl BUILDING SERVICE
It practica.lly dominates every business discussion ; has be- means the"rendiring of assistance to the buyer, and percome the harp of.many strings upon which the moclern forming a duty toi,ards him also. The assistance is a thinker strums with vigoro.us- hand.- Iipnn.it every sales- necessiTy, and ihe arty ir.l.a..
..__4t',r yet_r,r,e seldo_m.hear the potenr ;.i;;;;;"-;,k..-lf.ifr?f3fi'f.#L:"?l.iT.Yiffn ;ffi5tr1ilitriT manbaseshisargument-hishopes-hisaspiratiorrs.r--w.--noura_'"yrNG ..__4lta yet_u'e seldom.hear potent question asked-l {Spf.VlCO me.ns to furnish to the public the fullesi pos-
"What Is Service?" It is'worthv of serious thought and con-f srble degree of intensified, specialized, intettigent assistJnce sideration, because as we look about us we Jo often seef rn the ise of those materials which you sell. It means men.claiming to be rendering service of a phenomenal sortj that you will use your most earnest bfforts to "Do unto to whom the actual r.neaningand der.nonstration of the w-ordl
\{ount Calvary, propounded the sovereign principles ofl il,*Ji1?'"oyl:tffli*",','l,,tt:1":ilii'.1?;:l'**lml
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Before You Start"
ll the chiefest, will be the servant of all. 'il;;;#,#'#;l of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister,l others as you would have them clo unto y,ou,,_if yOU were and gave his life a ransom for many." l
The vALUE of service was *.onderousfy predi.cted inl f;ltlli.Jii:lgrt:l.o' and the other fellow the merchant of the above quotation, but the growth of mod.ern,civilizationf use'fHAT as a basis for measuring the quality and has developed the practical everyday necessity for the ren-J dering oi ro,io.,iLrvice, ?".d tu.dr:?a";:i;'J.ffi-T;:ilJ g3ifr'.7,d;_,,H;;;11;1?i""1:"",fl.i"i; ,3i,1"'jo.I"?t,,r# edged premium on service-giving ability I .opy. SERVICE is NOT a physical THING. It is a -,_T:9:t
,l:S:::tt:" that the man in any walk of life nrusf demonstrable FORCE. The merchandise that y,ou sell ii dnswer is, "What degree of service can you render?" I the PHYSICAL end of your sale; the SERVICE is that
All the departments of our civilization are working tof intangible and uncharted- dynamic development of modern ward the one great object'-18 intensification of SERVIC4 times, which makes your goods worth buying, and worth
-the super-development of EFFICIENCY. i having.
The world is learning_that the worker is to be judged b/ A". IgIJ&jI€l service, or not? the servi,ce that he renders, and that he shall be- rewarcledr in-- exact proportion to the quality and quantity of that effort.
Service is the llasis of all honest business, all creative work, all free government, all orderly society, and all true religion.
Service is the magic password that unlocks the vaults wherein lie hidden away the best of human possibilities. It is the Aladdin's lamp of modern business, but unlike the lamp of Aladdin, there is more to be done than merely the rubbing of harrds or the muttering of a word.
Then what IS service? What IS this thing that the Master preached-that men proclaimed-that all humans have learned to praise?
Let us turn to the dictionary. It states that SERVICE is "Assistance rendered;" also that it is "Duty performed."
As service affects the business man of today.-the lumber merchant particularly, it seems to us that i'blending of
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