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Weyerhaeuser Sales lGompanY
Weyerhaeuser Forest Products
Humbird Lumber Co. ... .......Sandpoint, Idaho Potlach Lumber Co. ... Potlach, Idaho Edward Rutledge Timber Co. .....Coeur d'Alene, Idaho Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. ... .. Everett, Was!. Vicloria Lumber & Mfg. Co., Ltd. ......Chemainus, B. C. 'Weyerhaeuser Timber Co. (Baltimore Br'ch) Baltimore, Md.
R. E Erwin Boise, Id'aho A. D. Remington ... Sand Point, Idaho
S. P. Johns, Jr. Snoqualmie Falls,'Wash. D. M. Palmer .... Bonners Ferry, Idaho
P. M.-Lachinund ...... Potlach, Idaho C. J. Mulrooney.. Baltimore, Maryland
District Traveling Representatives lawrence. Don, District Manager, f024 Old Nat't Bank BIdg., fvlore, Hugher, Pur.tan -Hotel, Iadimapolir, .Ind' Spokanc, lVash. Collin:, B. D., 88tl Djvid_ Ave., Detroit, Mi-chjcatr:
Xeizei,- R. C'., birrri.t Manager, l05z Cont. & Com'l Nat'l Bank, G1oqali, H._V- ffa Trowbrid3e Avc., Grud Rapi-d;' M!9h. i'ui"igo,'tli.
CIute, R, Ai -Oistrict Managr, EtP Merchantr Nat'l Bank Bldg., Burkc, F. q.,_iOfz Coqt. & Co'lq't Nat'l Ek. -Bld8:.- Chic:go' lll.,-3t. ,prri, tltirr. - Comany, C.'P., 162_Cont. &_Com'l !at!l- Bk. Bldg., Cbicago' Ill.
Lcwir, W. Fi., Ced"r Dept., a||6 Chamber of Commercc, Denver, Chttdr, L. S., P. O. !ox-119. Rckford, Illinoic.Colo. McClanahu. J. A-. P. O. Bo:r D4, Pacia' Illlnoir.
McDufrec, D. E., r0at Old Nat'l Bank Blds,, Spokane, Waah. !Yrtt!, J. E., lz9 lark P_lace, Milwaukc!, !!!rconsln.
Howlc, J. n., IOSZ Cont. & Com'l Bank nlag., Chtcago, fU. Murdingcr, G. .A.' P. _O. Bo_x SO' Oe}korh'- lVirc-o-nein. RJck, Lu/;h@; tg$,,u Broadway, New ?6rk, N.a. I/illiul, \& A_.4!! sumBit Avc.,-Eau Clarre, \ilirconrin. Gnci, H. ti., ff Lcxington Avenuc,--Cubridge igS), M"cr. Archibdd, T. S., 1703_Davenport__Avc.,- DrvenPort, Iow!. Wiudmron, iYicholu, Sprhgficld, iU.
Goodrlcb, ti. p., fOC ipc"i rfitl Sdret, Ne* York, N. Y.
Bengrtonc, 4, L, P_. O_. Box 63, lVatcrloo, lwa'
Barker, H. W.' P_. Q. Bax 52, Mrrrhalltom,, lowa.
Stctem,'A. F. Jr, ae Wcrt ftzd St;eq Nm York, N. Y. Hedlund, O. !-., _P. O. lox 6i[_Siou-x- City, -Iowr. Glfrcd,' E. O., Neiv Hartford, N. Y. Conrad, F. !, Savcry Hotel, Dcr Molncq lowa. -. Rumboid. J. i{., fe7 Chrletdna'Street, N. Tonrwanda, N. Y. Irenbeigcr, C,'E.,710 Lumlcr Exchugc, M-inneapolir, M'nn. MillcnJrjs. P.,'sS Grovc Street, Tonairnda, N. Y. 'lVelpton, Arcb L,_740.I-,umbcr-Exchanga, Minneapolir, Minn' Gmdhui T. H., 500 Eutcrn Paikway, Broollyn, N. Y.
Stewart] T. A.,_ Northfield, Minncrota.
Perdcw,'G. G., P. O. Box 115, Eact Oiange, N.- J. Kek, Edward E., Alcxudria, Mlnnerota. fay, fiarry 4., ta lqo"ih'fr"ri.r Stj'Phit"d.lphia, P". nugf,9q, E. J., U _World H_crald_Bull_dlng,-Omaha, Ncbruka. Mo-riieon, iohni Stcrling Hotel, Wilkerbane, Pa.
Roi, H. 8., !. Q. !ox_:!0lt' LincoJn, Nebraska.
Norton, Wl H., P._O._Box 5td Hartingr, I'febracka. Frcderickeon, .1,. w., fZO Wert State Streei, Trenton, N. J.
Sburtlcfr, E. N:, P. O.-Bot 2ti, Williamspori, Pa.
Loicel, S_. M., P.rO._Box !75, No folL. NebrasLa.
Youn_g O. -L.. ca_r9 P. O.-Bor llt6g' Minot' N.^D. F6i"-"rugte, i'. i., iziz-G-.gi.'^1.i..,-pitiihiiit, F".
Knq, C* B; 320 Sd. Lindenr Ave., Phir'"d.lohi", p".'
McMillan, {. J_._Lin99!n-_{otel. lvatertovn, S. D.,- E;;;;;;;'n'c.l sit-L.ii&i;; Bid;.,-B;ie;;;;, Ml. willime, !,art_D.^sr! wc-!! r!th= street,_sioux Fdlr, S. DTuerfra, J. P., Vonhof Hot-et, Mapsfleld, Ohio, Bovee, C.-L., P._-O. Box-t-!2' Billings, Montua. nu"tto"'g, -f-. '9.,-ig6t 6"l"ilr"ae noad,' gtevelan4 Ohio.
MacD6nald, C. tt., za White Building, Seattle, Washington. Orders or inquiries ad.dressed to any of our offices or representaliztes or sent direct to the mills, wlll hate prompt and' careful atlention.