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shingle Men work to Improve Grades and cooperate with

Retailers Efficiency Expert of Shingle Asstn. on Job at the Mill

_, Il th" campaign constantly to_.in:pror.e the quality of thelr product and assist the retail lumber dealeri to mer_ chandise their shingles, the Shingle branch oi the i,Vest Coast Lumbermen'i As_sociation if carrying lt, ""pr.rri". ,..log?n-: 'jUp to Gracle Shingles" anrl ,,ColopEration ,1uitt it.,. Trade" dire ct to all the shingle mills in Oi.gon and fia.t ington.

The elficiency branch of the associrtion is in active co_ operaticn with the mills and since this service has been in force a wonderful improvement alreacly has been accom_ plished.

Realizing the importance of the retail merchant as a fac_ tor in the continued use of shingles ancl the sllccess of the industry, no expense is being'spired to keep the product of Shingle Branch member mills iup to Grade.', O"ut.r.-.be'assured that the Shingle Branih is doing everything pos_ sible to insure its members putting out a."qualiiy p.8Ouct, t"L." \. S. lVhiting. secretary of thi Shingle Branch.

_ Fre$ J..Mont€, Plant.Efficiency Expeit of the Shingle brancn-shown tn the plcture_is an expert filer and mill_ wright -with. long experience among shingle mills in the Pacrfic Northwest. His c,onstant contact with owners, su_ perintendents and filers has been the means of constantiv improving the product of Shingle Branch member milli.Filers' Conferences are held it intervals durins the vear at different points in the-shingle -producing teiritory by the Inspection Bureau. These ionferences, it *hi"h irrod_

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