1 minute read
ern mei.hods of n.ranufacture are discussed, are largely attended by ntill cperatives and sreat value is attaihed to the open meeting dis.cussions indulged in.
The finished product in the bundle, as received by the lumber rnerchant is one of the important parts of the work as the Inspector, besides looking over the machinery and filing, inspects the bundles of shingles in tl.re mill, investigates the kiln drying especially with regard to the temperature maintained. The bundles are also inspected at the dry end to see that theyr are properly stenciled and loaded in the car.
This service is of particnlar interest to the lumber merchant. The results obtained have been so encouraging among member mills that the service is now being ext6nd_ ed to all mills in Washington and Oregon, for th6 general betterment of the Shingle Industry.
"Aintt Nature Grandgrt
Did you ever stop to think where all the poles, piling, lumber and ties for wharves and bridges and the lumber and shingles for all the wondlrful homes come from?