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California Dealer's Gain Much Benefit From Redwood Association Service

California retail lumbermen, have found a heap of satisfaction in the splendid dealer service now being conducted by the Califomia Redwood Associaltion.

The association has gone to a lot of trouble and expeuse to prepare a substantial quantity' of interesting and attractive literature for the purpose of assisting the retailer in moving his stocks of redwood antl crelting additional demands for more redwood.

One of the most attractive featttres of the dealer canrpaign is the series of newspaper cuts that have been ar-' ranged for distribution among the retail lunrbernten and for use in their local newspapers. E,ach of the dozen ctlts, which come in the shape of electrotypes. treats of a separate and distinct use of redwood lttr.nber. No two are alike and the dealer can conduct a campaign in his home town papers over a period of many weeks and' have different advertising copy each time.

And the particular beauty about this service, so far as the dealer is concernecl, is that it does not carry ariy reference to the redwood associatior.r or the redwood manufacturers. When the cuts are printed in the dealer's home town paper they appear, so far as the gener.al public is concerned, as the clealer's olvn product, as sp,ace is provided for use of his own name.

While the association itsel{ has prepared the service and attends to the distribution, dealers are expected to order the service through the manufacturer or his representatives from whom their regular supply of redwood is,obtained.

Farm B uildings

Your sileage is safest in a wooden silo. That's because wood holds best the warm temperature of fermentation, prevent; freezing, and provides a minimum of loss around the edges.

And Redwood is standard for silo construction for it resists rot, decay and action of sileage acid.

Then, too, Redrvood is light, strong, easily rvorked, free from pitch, fire retardant; a good material for exterior finish and trim. Its natural beauty of grain, color and textu." ".r.rf.. for" the-tiving room that quiet, restful appearance so desirable in the home.

For repairs, Redwood in short lengths costs less.

line, or phonc us-toda1t.

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