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Random Items-Mill Run
Hill & Morton, well known pioneer lumber firm of San Francisco, have m'oved their offices from the Lumbertnen's building, to more attractive quarters at 607, 608 and 609 Fife Building.
L. S. Hill sold his interests in the concern some time ago to Mr. Morton, but the business #ill be continueC under the old name, under Mr. Morton's personal direction'
\M. S. Russell is assistant manager and will continue to alternate with Mr. M'orton in working the San Joaquin Valley and Sacramento Valley- territories. Y., W' Long wilt siill look alter the Peninsula and Salinas Valley business rnhile Wa!t Manuel will work San Francisco and the Bay District.
T. L. Driscoll, with offices in the Lumbermen's Building, Portlancl, is the northern representative' while A. C. Homer is the Los Angeles representattve.
L. S. Hill has r€turned north and will look after his mill interests at Cottage Grove, Oregon and Montague, California.
Canadians Seek Removal Of Duty On Lumber So Their Product May Come In Free
A movement is said to be on foot across the Canadian border for the early repeal of the Canadian duty against lumber milled in the U'nited States, lest President Harding take action imposing a retaliatory import drtty on CanadTan lumber enteiing this country as provided under provisions of the new tariff law'
The new United States tariff larv puts all lumber, shingles, laths, etc., on the free list with a proviso. authorizinf the President' to impose an equal countervailing. duty on lumber planed on 'one or more sides and- tongued and grooved, .o*ittg from any country that persists in imposing a auty on American iumber of similar manufacture' this orovision was aimed at the duty of 25 pet cent now imoosed^ bv Canada on that description of lumber' It is redorted tfiat Canadian trade bodies and lumber manufactoi.tr have made representations to Ottawa to the effect ihat the C,anadian duty on American lumber sh'ould be abindoned without waiting for President Harding -to take ttre initiative, as provided in the Tariff Act' It is-also-prooosed that the eitra Canadian sales tax on American lumter shall be removed, so that the slate may be clean'
'Prior to their departure for Los A'ngeles to become manager and salesman respectively for the Hart-Wood Lumber C-ompany, T. B. Lawrence and Joseph R-olando--were given a farewell entertainment and dinner at the Cliff House, by members of the San Francisco Lumber Salesmen's Club, of which both have been activs members.
A snappy entertainme nt and general good time was prG' r.ided arid -as an appreciation of their good work a1d 9ooperdtion in the clu6 affairs, they were each presented with a'traveling bag. Among the invited guests were R.' A. Hiscox, Western States Lumber Co., Sam Towle, Christensen Lumber Co., C. S. Frantz Loop Lumber Co., Henry Bode Spring Valley Lumber Co., and Ben Reed, Secretary of the San Francisco Lumber Associaition.
Exports of Douglas fir lumber to Japan increased durins September almost 1,000,000 board feet, while the Chine*se market fell ofi over 7,500,000 feet, according to compilations of the United States Department of Commerce. bther markets taking an increased amount were British South Africa. Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, and Mexico. Argentina continued to take th-e largest 1qo.un! of southern "yellow pine lumbeL with Cuba and U'nited Kinedom as second and third. Exports of oak lumber to the -United Kingdom decreased during September, as did exports to all tLe other principal consuming countries.
We bave ready for prompt rhipment from ow Bay Point, Cal., plent, a considerable quantity of Ix4 to 1xL2
Common Cedar Boards
We are ready to take cutting onderc for 3'and 4'inch Common Cedar Wharf Plantdng.