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tilipolito Screen s#h Co. Anqeles Sash and Door Folks Entertain Retailers of L. A. District at Dinner

Hospitality and.good.fellowship held delightful sway at the Los..A,ngeles Athletic club on Tuesday &ening of last week when members of the Los Aneeles Dist,rict Lumbermen's club were guest$ of the United Sash & Door Dealers' Association.

The entertainment ya1 in charge of an able and energe- tic committee headed by H. W. Brown. Charles Miller a-"nd M. A. Imhoff were the .other members, with L. E. Gates, secretary'of the organization, a,cting as ex-officio member.

This committee did a mighty good job of its assignment and had the chef at the club set out a wonderful feedl moreover they engagcd, as a special attraction, one of the livest and livliest company of colored musicians in Southern California. Both the food and the music received amole attention, through the early hours of the evening

Followed then the oratorical feast. Presid-ent L. R. McKeesen of the Sash and Door Arssociation delivered the formal address of welcome to the guests and, then introduced H. W. Brown, who presicled through the remainder of the evening as toastmaster. \f r. Brown was in a hapov mood and with his quick wit and appropriate introciric"tions added much to the pleasure oi the oicasion. David \\roodhead. eifted speaker of the lumber fraternitv, made the response on behalf of the retailers. "Co-operation"_ was the keynote of the evening's clis_ cussions. Both the sash and door men, and the lumiermen apparently confessed to a realization of the necessitv of the two elements of the industry working in closer harmony to promote their mutual interests.

E. A. Nicholson of the Pacific Door & Sash Company spote along this line on behalf of the sash and door iolkl and E.' D. Tennant, secretary of the lumbermen's club, responded with an expression of the retailers' viewpoint. Both Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Tennant ernphas,ized the necessitv and the importance of co-operation, efficiencv. educatjon,. acqua_intan_ceship. and fellowship in reaching "a mutual relationship that will be of the hi hest benefit" to the-lumber industry and to the building industry alike.

_ H. S. Stronach, representing the West Coast Forest Products bureau, gave a forceful presentation ,of the work now being d,one by that organizaijon to promote the fur_ ther use of Douglas fir in the sash and door and other u'oocl-lvorkiuq' in<lnstries. He aptly illustrated the value of co-operation with sevcral appropriate anecdotes. He re_ viewed the work of thc Bureau and commended manv uses of Douglas fir in the nranufacture of planing mill proclucts.

Short lengths are popular in skirts-Why not in boards?

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