2 minute read
Lumber By-Products, North and South From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
Thomas Cotter, ,for the last 14 years manager of the plant of McKay & Company at Eureka, has been made manager of the California & Ore-gon Lumber Company's big mill at Brookings, Oregon, succeeding J. H. .Owen, wfio resigned a few months ago. The Brookings mill now is cutting considerable redwood as well as fir, and is the only mill in Oregon producing redwood.
Frederic S. Palmer has returned from a week's trip to Fresno, where he visited the Madera Sugar Pine Company. He made the trip up to Sugar Pine and rep'orts that the construction of the new mill is progressing rapidly and that they will be ready for operation about March 1. He was accompanied on the trip by his sales-manager C. C. Stibich.
Forest Service Has Education Director
Wallace I. Hutchinson, assistant chief of the branch of public relations in the Washington, D. C., headquarters of the United States forest service, has arrived in San Francisco to'take charge of educational and information ac,tivities in the California district. Mr. Hutchinson is a graduate of the Yale .forest.. school, and an experiencecl newspaper an'd ma.gazlne wrller.
Gross Carelessness
The foreman of building operation rushed in to the superintendent.
"That end house has fallen down !" he shou'ted.
' "What!" exclaimed.the superintendent. "Was there a cvclone?"
"-N.o," said the foreman, "but rthat careless guy Flanagan had them take down the scaffolding before rve got the wallpaper up."-Detroit Free Press.
Redwood Telegraph Poles In Demand
Export of redw,ood telegraph and telephone poles has been revived at Eureka and other redwood producing ports. The steam,er Wilmington, whibh recen,tly set out from Eureka had, on b,oard a substantial shipment of poles going to Honolulu. Other shipments have been ordered.
Reports on the recent election printed in the Tulare Register, show that the Anti-shingle Housing bill received 1020 negative votes rvithout a single vote FOR it. Maybe it was an error in the print and maybe there were not enough affirmative votes to make it worth while to count. Since Tulare is the home of George Burnett, one of the most wide'awake lumbermen in the central 'part of the state, it would not be surprising if the enemies of shinrgles did not get a sin,gle vote and that published reports were true.
Among the prominent San Francisco lumbermen who attende'd the Southern Cal'ifornia convention in Los Angeles were R. A. Hiscox of the Hart-Wood and Western States Lumber Companies and M. A. Harris of the Van Arsdale.Harris Lumber ,Compa,ny. They rvere accompanied by Mrs. Hiscox and Mrs. Harris.
Folsom Joins With Ftefteld
O. F. Folsom, formerly wit-h the Eagle Lumber Company, has joined the sales force of the E. L. Fiefield Lumber Comoanv. Mr. Folsom has followed the lumber business in irlonthern Californira for several years and has a large acquaintance among the retailers. He will work the Bay District and the Sacramento, and San Joaquin \ralleys.