5 minute read
A "Cornetlized" Stock Farm
(Editor's Notc:-The following story of what wall board did for a mod_e-rn farm appeared in ,,The Co.rnell Bulletin," irrr"a ly ft i Cornell Wood 'Products Co., of Chicago, and seemed of .o- muct practi,cal interest that we borrowed, the cuts to illustrite i1 *iit,, and take pleasure in reproducing the story verbatim.)
Monowioto Farm, of 365 acres, is stiuated in the heart of the hi,ghly developed farm lands of Northern Illinois am,ong',the beautiful country estates adiacent to Lake For- tst. Fields of grain. rich pasture me'"do*. and dots of woodland break the vista on every hand. From the house, resting on gently rising ground, is afforded " .*."pi"g view in everv direction, full of color under an Augusi sun.
-{s .you pass from the r.oad through the stone gatewav. and cross the lawn, shut in by hedges and flowering busir, vou are impressed at once with thl homelike atmdsoheri of the house and its immediate surroundings-whi,te aud cozy, quite the type of the substantial farm home with its natural .stone chimney, shaded by over-hanrging elms and maples, and a fragrant grove of l,ocust treel to the wind_ ward side.
Introducing "Buither Boy"
The lar,vn which surrounds the house on three sides slopes gently away to the barns and outbuildings. il-i; when,you ap.proach the tarns that you become fuily aware that Monowioto Farm is an up-,to-date stock farm, with pedigreed and full-blooded horses, cattle, hogs, and chick- gns. the quiet of the lawn enclosure yieldi suddenly to the activity of the b,arn yard. ' The caitle are hidden in the pastures. but you are greeted, as you enter the cow barn, with a bellow that -warns you ,to keep a sharp look out ahead. You are safe enough, however, for an en- closure of 2 inch holl_ow steel tubing. resembling an ele- p&l! sllall in the zoo, keeps at a safe iistance fRAVeRSb BELLE PONTIAC BUTTER BOy, the 6_year_old.jc0_ pound bull--head of the herd, and already sire to 36 Hol- stein cattre. One of the bars is bent ou,iv"ard at a sharr angle. which we understand was orice caused hv a genfle 'flick"..of the powerful head. Baby calves are corralled In slmtlar tubed enclosures. and here we notice somethin,g that aronses our curiosity at once.
"Cornellizing'o the Barns
The sides of the stalls are single thicknesses of Cornell_ Wood-Board, wired on, and as we tegt the strength of itre panels, we are aware from the twinkle in the ir"n"g.r;i eye, that we have stumbled upon a hobby of his. We had noticed on our vvay through the cow bain, something un_ usual in the appearance of the interior, without beingluite aware of just whart caused the impression. Now,*as we look about we see that the whole place is .,Cornellized,, in one form or another. The stalls, which first attracted our interest, are made draft proof by Cornell board, an ideal arrangement, especially in winter time.
A little further on we notice older calves in standard w_ooden stalis, but with this unique difierence: the sides of the stalls are made of Cornell-Wood-Board. double thick. with strong mesh chicken wire between. The board is quite strong enough to confine the boisterous youngsters, and the wire makes assurance doubly sure in ,case one of thern attempts to kick through. It is-then, that we see that thl entire ceiling also is "Cornellized"-lengths of wood-board nailed rto the rafters with wooden stripsiovering the joints. The walls are treated likewise, the -whole coi'-barn tak, ing on_ a pzrnelled appearance, very attractive and very unusual.
Ideal Quarters for Registered C;attle
As we Dass out through the dairy barn, we are agaio struck bv the clean and ship-shaoe- aDoearance thatlal_ cimined Cornell board has given to ,the interior. with its stalls and stan,chions,.all immaculately clean-a fit home for the herd of 54 registered Holstein cows and heifers. One name-plate in particular over a s,tanchion catches the eve. It reads "Werlmberc Anchor 11.,, with a record unde/ -fticia] test- over a period of 3 consecutive years of. 2( oounds of butter in 7 days. She has milked -as high ar 97 oounds in one day, and carries a record of prodircinp 17,fY)O pounds of milk and 7N pounds of buttir in on? year. In fact two-thirds of the milking herd average each over Z0 pounds of butter and 480 pounds of milk in7 days, as ,the resident manager took justifiable pride in saying. -
Easy to Use Co'rnell Board
We asked the man_ager the chief advantages in Cornell_ boarding the barns. His answer was: first, tle aDpearance of cleanliness and, order. which is in itself an incentive to keep everything else clean and orderly; second, elimination of drafts; and third, the fact that anyone can put Cornell board up so easily,-and during spare time at rhat.
We find the hog-house, with its Duroc-Jersies. also wood-boarded, top a hog-house. The nell board; the pig
Walls are Dirt-Tight and D.y
The same treatment of pan,elled sides and ceiling is applied in.the. milkco6ling room, the imPlement house, with its discing.tractors, tne if,? 1X'J:;,i""J;iXH:l .r""n "'"r ."nito.n, and keeps dirt-tight an<l #.'#;t*;*ri ttre gfain bins wert ;i:*t'"*:li'il,:lo1
neatrY bY the
Our rvaY next took us into the chicken yard. And here again, the characteiistic cleanliness of the ;l;1" Ji ":5,,, XJJ " i'i"1i'11'l #'ll calcimined and divided into panelsiv '3-in.tt striPs. UniformitY of iJmoerature attd dryness are largely *"ili"ir"a by this effective wood- Hog House, creamcry and cow Barn* are clean and Sanilary. board "insulation."---Crossirrg the lawn back ltoward the house, we catch
Novel Uses in the House 1."g1 " 'sti-'{1"^:.f^i1" saddle horses on their wav to their ected, we find .,cornell,, used to panel daily exerclse over the hurdles tl th9 park in th-e p_asture. Here' as we exP :''^i,S;;;,-l;i"r,;; iir" -U.u"iiiof thorough-bred hunter, the dining room,,living room, bedrooms, and kitchen. In leads the way. ooi'-p"tfr f"ads us.throultt th..r"", "n- the dininf room' where the plaster had begun to fall, Cor' trance, past- the uru"lf"rtoy-oi-smail ,oorfi., all "cornell- nell-Board was nailed through rthe remaining plaster into ized,,, housr'g *rrJl;;;;"r-;;;T -implements, buckets, the rafters, in this way .avoiding the dirt and nuisan'ce of wash tubs,ar,d. ho'"e"i;i;il;rfi-i"ioin" house itself. first tearing down all ihe old plister. Panels were simply nailed across, covering firm and loose plaster alike,-quite a time ancl labor-saving idea. The manager demonstrated another interesiting and novel use for Cornell-Board when he showed us how he intencled to panel up the -Frenlch windows ar.rd cloors. "A 1ip for those who close up summer homes and cottages for the lvinter," he saicl. "'fack Cornell over the winclorvs and (loors ; it keeps the place dry and clean and breaks the excessive cold, rn'ith a great saving of fuel."

Ini {act, any open porch or veranda can be thus e!tclosed during lthe storms of winter. The expense o{ the boarcl is easilv made good by tl.re saving in paint attcl wear on otherwise exposed sttrfaces, an<l as for labor-"anyone can do it."
Uses for Cornell are Unlimited
As we left Monowioto Farm and our genial host, we carried rvith us those lvho come that refreshed spirit that always rewards again irr contact with the open 'coun\try, ancl with our so-called
"dun.rb anim,als." But we also took rvith rrs a few very practical ideas, especially on up-todate farrn refinements, for we found five ,of the manv maior uses of Cornell demonstrated in many forms on this wellordered farm : as Interior Decorative maiterial, for use in the_house itself ; Cle,an ancl Attractive Surface Covering. as in the dairy barns; Insulation against cold and drafti, demonstrated in the chicken-house and cow-barn; Protection for open porches and enclosures in winter; and ,as Structural NIaterial; reinforced by r,vire, to side interior spa'ces, as in the gr,ain bins and calf stalls.
When we realize that about 1,500 square feet is a fair average for e farm and that pn this basis 1,860,900,0ff) sqrlare feet can easily be used in the United States in one vear, the opportunity {or Cornell dealers lto assist the farmer in improving l-ris property is really startling.