1 minute read
The rr rl i w nole is Builded on Service
When you are in need of legal advice you visit a competent attorney. When sick you consult the dependable family physician. These and many other professional and business firms have educated you to be dependent upon them for advice, assistance and service.
Do folks living in your trade territory come to you for building information or do they go to contractors?
Have you equipped your business to properly serve them?
Are they acquainted with the fact that you have pictures, plans, and are prepared to show and tell them how and what they can build for a certain arrrount of money?
The biggest department of every business is Service.
Picturing the srlerdid' neu honie of Barher Bros., soofu to be o,ened, i.n which great areas, triteratly acres, of Mitchell's Red Beech Flooing at' test tlle Polrularity of this inaterial for both beauty and uearing qualities-
Due to the character of the merchandise (house furnishings) displayed in this line new building of Barker Bros., floors of rich, warm color and smooth wearing qualities were desired. This social requirement oaturally led to the choice of \{itchell's Red Beech Flooring-laid by the A. B. Rice Company, Flooring Con'i. ractors.