2 minute read
Fischer Brothers Lumber Company Eugene,
Caltfomta Rcprcrcatetivc E. L. FIFIELD
2{ Caltfornla St. Sm Franclrco Douglu e55il
Unanimously Approved
Said the little red tough; are getting scarcer, and I cannot get rooster, "Gosh all Hemlock ! Things are Seems that worms enough;
What's become of all those fat ones, is a mystery to me, There were thousands through that wet spell; now where can they be?"
The old black hen who listened, did not grumble or complain;
She had gone through lots of dry spells, she had lived through floods of rain; So she flew up on the grindstone, and gave her claws a whet, As she said, "I've never seen the time there weren't worms to get."
She picked a new and undug spot; the earth was hard and .firm-
The little rooster jeered: "New ground. That's no place for a worm."
The old black hen just spread her feet, she dug both fast and free, "I must go to the worms" she said, "the worms won't come to me.tt
The rooster vainly spent his day through habit, by the ways Where round fat worms had passed in squads back in the rainy days;
When nightfall found him supperless he groaned in accents rough, "Im hungry as a fowl can be, conditions sure are tough."
He turned then to the old black hen and said, "It's worse with you, For you're not only hungry but you must be tired too; I rested while I watched for worms, so I feel fairly perk, But how are you? Without worms, and after all that work?"_,.
The old black hen hopped to her perch and dropped'her eyes to sleep,
And murmured in a drowsy tone, "Young man, hear this, and weep;
I'm full of worms and happy, for I've dined both long and well,
The worms are there, as always, but I had to dig like H-1."
Oh, here and there red roosters still are holding sales positions,
We cannot do much business now, because of 'rpoor conditions !"
But soon as thi4gs "get rig-ht" again they'll sell a hundred firms,
One Sunday a certain "cullud" discovered that the senior deacon had failed to provide the wine for the communion service. No one discoveied it until the proverbial eleventh hour and then there was a hasty conference with heads close together in the back of the church. Finally they grasped at the plan of an old sister living close by who offered to bring over some of hers. No one knpw what kind of wine it was until all had been served and then they realized that it had been made out of green persimmons. Tho stumped for a minute, the preacher became equd to the occasion, and quickly announced: "Brethren and Sistern, wid yo'all's approval we'se gwine to omit SINGIN' the Doxologywe's gwine to WHISTLE IT."-Book of Smiles.
" suRE !
A little ad and a friendly letter, Are not so bad, but they might be better. Double your bet, don't be afraid, And you will get a lot of trade.

He Was Green Indeed
"Who comes there?" challenged the recruit sentry. "The officer of the day," came the prompt reply. "Well" queried the green one, "Then what the Hell are you doing out at night?"
"My Son, never speak unkindly of price cutters. Never knock them. Because God made price cutters, my son. lle made them the same as He made fleas, lice, bugs, wasps, snakes, skunks, and other unpleasant things. In His inscrutable wisdom, He made them. Why He made them, only He knpws. Some day He may enlighten us, but up to now, I'll be d-d if I understand."
An Unfair Charge
The judge was passing sentence on an old man for stealing.
"This is a sad case" his honor said. "You, who remained honest until you.were sixty, have tarnished your name and dishonored your family, all for the sake of three miserable dollars."
"Please be fair" said the defendant, "was it my fault there were so few ?"
Still Life
"Oh, pa, look "That isn't a -Judge.
at the statue on that house." statue, my son; that's a bricklayer."-