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Western Retailers Assured Of A Good Time When They Visit Portland
Portland lumbermen intend that delegates to the coming convention of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association will be properly entertained, and to this end the.Portland Hoo I{oo Club has appointed the following committee: Earnest E. Johnson, C. D. Johnson Lumber Company; Carl C. Crow, Crow's Lumber Index; Wilson Clark, Clark & Wilson Lumber Company, and Joseph Lausmann, Oregon Door Company.
Prince Rupert, B. C., Nov. 1S.-Losses estimated at $750,000 were caused by a fire which destroyed last night approximately 9,000,000 feet of high-grade lumber and a large part of the plant of the Prince Rupert Spruce Mills, Ltd., at Seal Cove, near Prince Rupert. Defective wiring is believed to have caused the blaze.
Portland Hoo Hoo Hear Talk On Boy Scout Movement
Secretary W. B. (Billy) Mack was the chairman at the November 19th luncheon of the Portland Hoo Hoo Club. Hearty applause was given G. H. Oberteuffer for a talk on the Boy Scout Movement. Mr. Oberteuffer asked the Portland Hoo Hoo Club to make up a "patrol" of seven members to take a Scout leader's training course which is being offered by the Portland Council, Boy Scouts of America, for men interested in leading boys to more useful lives. He also explained the qualifications necessary for Boy Scouts who obtain Merit Badges in the subjects of Forestry and Conservation.
The Secretary announced that the Portland Hoo Hoo Ice Hockey Club will be formed at an early date.
Sun Lumber Company to Enter Oxnard
The Sun Lumber Company, operating large plants at Beverly Hills and Ventura, has purchased a site in Ventura for a retail yard, according to word received from an Oxnard realty firm.
This is the second new yard for Oxnard to be reported in this issue.
Klicka To Have New Yard
The Klicka Brothers Lumber Company has leased ground for a new yard at San Ysidro, a suburb of San Diego.
New Yard At El Cajon
W. L. Dennis is building a new warehouse and office at El Cajon, to install a retail yard, hardware store and general building material business.
Wickersham Returns
W. B. Wickersham, head of the the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber has just returned from a ten days'
From Arizona
industrial department of Company, Los Angeles, trip through Arizona.
Planing And Sash And Door Mill For Sale
Have one of the best propositions that has ever been offered in this state. A busy sash and door mill doing rvork for all the yards in a town of forty thousand, in addition to a general planing mill business. Has always shown a profit. We own land and buildings and two partners will sell their entire interests at a fair valuation. Total investment about $80,000. This will stand strictest investigation. Address Box c&r€ California Lumber'Merchant.