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Los Angeles Hoo Hoo to Dine Redwood Salesmen's Contest and Dance
Extended to December 31
The date for the long looked for Dinner Dance has been announced to the members of the Los Angeles District Hoo Hoo.
Begre S. Barker, Pacific Ready Cut Homes, assisted by Ed. Houghton, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Company, Frank Wise, Patten & Davies and Bob Taenzer, have selected January 16th, Saturday, for the event and they are working towards making this the star party of all Hoo Hoo history.
The affair dena. be held at the Del Arroyo,
2,000,000 feet
R. F. Hammatt, Secretary-Manager of the California Redwood Association, announces that the Redwood Salesmen's Contest will not terminate until December 31. This extehsion is made at the request of the Redwood Salesmen who have notified the members of the Committee of their {esire to submit material which is now gathered, but not yet put in final shape. The Committee urges all salesmen to get their material in shape and enter it as soon as possible.
Clara Cutting Marries Chas. Quist
Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Clara Cutting and Chas. Quist. Miss Cutting, is the daughter of Henry C. Cutting a prominent Oakland attorney, ahd is 'nery popular with- the younger set in the East-Bay District. itti..' Quist, is a m-ember of the firm of Quist Bros., the rvell f.to*tt retail lumber dealers of Hayward' They spent their honeymoon in Southern California and are now making their home at HaYward
T. D. Lervis, Lervis Mill & Timber Co., South Bend, Washington, \\ras a recent visitor in the Bay District rvhere hi spent several days calling on his many lumbermen friendi. He also attended the "Robert Dollar" night and Concatenation at the Fairmont Hotel on November 12, rvhich rvas given by the Bay District Hoo-Hoo. Mr. Leu'is has been -on an extended trip in the east, making the trip over-land in his atttomobile. While in the east, he took in the l-orld's base-ball series between Washington and Pittsburgh, and also attended the Army-Notre Dame foot-ball game at New York. The return trip to San Francisco rval made on the steamer Edna Christenson via the Panama Canal. He rvas accompanied by Mrs. Lervis' ancl Mrs. McPhail of Aberdeen, Washington.
M. L. Doane. well known Peninsula lumberman and manager of the Southern Lumber Co. of San Jose, left for Phoenix, Arizona, on November 28, to take the position of manager of the Arizona Sash Door & Glass Co. "Mel" was very popularlvith the lumber fraternity in Northern California and his many friends are wishing him all kinds of success in his new position.
A. R. Graham, Spokane, associated with the Western Retail Lumbermen's^Association, is a California visitor and plans to spend the next three months in the state on Asiociation tusiness. Mr. Graham is also talking up their Annual, which will be held at Portland in February, and says that they expect a good sized delegation to ."lt"ld from California. Mr. Grahlm has been associated with the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association as their outside representative for several years.
Some thoughts by W. B. (Billy) Mack, secretary Portland Hoo Hoo Club on the proposed National Hoo Hoo Park in C)regon: HOO HOO HAVEN
Where rolls the Oregon;
Where the tall trees grow and are cared for;
Where game is plentiful and look on man as a friend; Where nearby the furtive fish fearlessly frolic;
Where the distant roar of the sea soothes and cools; Where women are taboo.
Absence makes the home thoughts stronger, Where the white collar and the starched front are not tolerated :
Where the "honk" of the car is unheard;
Where the homely shanty and the little white bean are inseparable;
Where Lumbermen, lvho are savages at heart, can recharge their batteries and revive their enthusiasm by a trip to the wilds, a dip in the primitive.
Insurance Official Visits Los Angeles
Mr. W. P. Hobby, former Governor of the state of Texas, and associate with NIr. George R. Christie in the Lumbermen's Reciprocal Association, is visiting in Los Angeles, rvith his family.
The "TradeMark"-e111 new line of non-inflammable lumber treated under the Somoza patents.

Also "somozided" Shingles-with all the popular shades of stainin fireproof Iiquids. Think what THA,T meana--our
Paint Factory
ig now in operation, here in Los Angeles, and we can supplv full lines of 'FIRE' PROOF PAINTS-the application ofwhich creates a fire retardent surface on the wood coverd.
ltAR DttooD tu ttt BE R G0.
Twenty Varieties of Hardwood also Oak & Maple Flooring-Panels in sf oc hat all f r'mes
Twohy Lumber Co.

221 Kerckhoff Bldg. Los Angeles, BDwy. 0843
CARGO-Fir, Redwood, Sugar Pine-RAIL
'We can always supply Fir Columne and Drain Boards from stock
Exclusive Southern California Agents
Are You Making "Flesh" of Your Mill and ttFowlt' of Your Yard ?
Many lumber mill operators employ methods so different in mill and yard that one would scarcely think them under the same management.
In the mill, all is efficiency. Modcrn methods and machinery arc employed. There is constant effort to cut costs and to show a profit.
In the yard, the methods of a century ago are used and no advantage is taken of the efficiency and savings which mechanical methods would effect.
No up-to-date mill can afford to overlook the savings in labor, time, expense and lumber which the HILKE LUMBER PILER will bring to its yard.
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You can satisfy your customers with TripleSheath.