1 minute read
Echoes From Fresno Convention
The recent convention at Fremo of the California Retail Lumberrnen's Association made lumber hirtory in California.
It rndc hictory because it demonrtratd that after long y€ars of divided thought, there has grown into being in this state a community of sprrit, a comnunity of interest, among the retail lumber folks, that har always been sorely needed.
It made history because it demonstrated the fact that the retail lunber trade of California has at last grouped itrelf beneath a banner of cooperative and coondinated effort, a grouping that cannot but be of direct and exceeding benefit to the inductry, the cornmonwealth, and the builden
C-alifornia in the past has been clannigh in 'itr organization activities. It has leaned to,
Shingle production in British Columbia at present is bare- ward scgregated effort, rather than congregated and coordinated effort ly 50 per cent of normal, and every mill in the province will shut down the middle of December for at least a month, by mutual agreement, in order to regulate the supply of shingles in accordance with the lessened winter demand.
But the Fresno convention proved that it has enlarged its vision to the point where it understan& that there is great need and usefulness for a cornmunity spirit that covers ALL of C-alifornia, md that tihe need of the WHOLE should be subondinated to the opinions of arry individual or part.
More lrcwer to the Association. It has great work to do, and is capable of great things. The men who comprise its official board include the best lumber thought in all districts of the State. They are men who will see to it that the Asso. ciation works for big and constructive tAinge, for the upbuilding of the lumber industry, for the better serving of the builder, and for the honq and Glory of thc Great State of California.
A splendid mission.