2 minute read
The Miller has a friction drive---and that means:
l. No clutches
2. No universal joints
3. No sliding gear transmission
Built for everyday service, built to keep down repair bills, the Miller Friction Drive construction is obviously the simplest, most economical and most effective on the market.
Buy a Miller-get continuous service and avoid upkeep bills.
I stood in the mighty store of Marshall Field the other day and watched the throngs filling the aisles, milling in a solid mass, and I wondered why they came, what brought them?
Th"y were of all ages and all classes, silk rubbing against gingham, spats keeping step with boots, all drawn there by what force?
I thought of fairs, and exhibits, and expositions of many kinds, all spending hundreds and thousands of dollars in publicity in attempts to draw such crowds, and many of them playing to empty houses, What mighty power brought the crowds to Field's where they could but spend money?
Then, if I can frame it in words, came the answer: The Probability of Profit!
Those people are convinced that by buying at Field's they will just a little more surely, in just a little higher percentage of occasions, make a profit on what they buy.
HDE manufactures hardwood lumber in a different way than any other mill, and by that difference feel that here too you can be assured of the Probability of Profit.

How Lumber Looks

With the dealers in their usual, "jurt-before-thc-first" frame of mind, the prerent duggirhnec of the whole market h not particularly rtranga California never witneoes active buying for the lart thirtv or fo'rty-five dayr of the year and thir year ir no exception
From all reports, rtockr are on an average of about 6O7o normal, and the buitding conditionr and acivitiee throughout the rtate would predict a larger volurne, for the mill men, right after New Year'r Day, and for several weekr thereafter.
In fact, the word har been pared, numleroua times, that the firrt of the year would ree the break, both for the retail man and the wholecaler, more volurne, better pricer, and a g€neral better time. It ia to be hoped.
Shipments into Soutbern California have been steady throughout the montt, well balanced ehipmentr end the bulk of it rtockr that have been moving at a regular rate, from the ports.
The buildins pernrite hold up well, and while they will break no records, the totale are ar high as could be expected for this time of the year.
^A telegram from San Francirco, on the morning of the 28th, reportr: "Thc Fir Cergo Market har shoryn littlc crhange in the part two weekr, the lame slight wealrneu prevailr. Shipmentr are about normal, fourteen boatr tied up here. Pricer at mills remain firm due llrgely to abnorrnal dcmand from Atlentic Coart, particularly Florida" Florida demand indicater revision of coart-wire freight ratee. Ldh ir the strong item, scarce and high€r pricer looked for." "The Fir Rail Market is about the rame, volume for November equal to last month. Dealerr looking toward inventory and buying is light. Mill pricer on rail rhipmentr are firb." t'No change in Redwood." "Pine rnarket ir etrong and loolrc good. Good steady demand and pricer are fir'rn."
The foundation of the old Guilds was primarily pride, pride of workmanship, pride of reputation and prideof product produced. No man was admitted to full fedged membership as a master wprkman in his respective guild until his knowledge and experience made possible the producing of workmanship which should again bring credit to his guild and thus their pride continued.
We take pride in our California business, our products are manufactured and marketed by men who have served their apprenticeships in the lumber business.We pride ourselves on our product, on our service, and we are proud of the business we are in.
We take pride in seeing the names of the same customers on our books year in and year out. We were doing business with them yesterdayr w€ will be doing business with them tomorrow.
The Nettleton Lumber Company feels that this same pride as existed in the guild system is stillin existence today in the manufacture and selling of lumber as it is no doubt in the manufacture and selling of other commodities.