2 minute read
Kellogg Lumber Company Spreads
Mr. Charles M. Kellogg, head of the Kellogg Lumber Company of California a well known Southern California instifution handlirrg their own southern hardwoods, has just announced expansion plans to be effective immejliately.
- Mr. Kellogg, with his associatqs, will enter the Fir cargo game, iri5outhern California, handling all grades and kinds of stocks from the Pacific Northwest.
He states that the company will operate strictly on a 'wholesale basis, and will keep their newly chartered steam,er, the l'George L. Olson" in regular service between San Pedro and Puget Sound, maintaining a twenty day schedule. She carries thirteen hundred thousand feet.
Mr. C. H. McDonald, formerly with the L. H. Ives rCompany, in Seattle, will act as their Northern buyer.
' The Kellogg Lumber Company of California has been :in this market for some time, selling the hardwoods manurfactured at their two plants at Fontdale, La., and Mem:phis, Tenn. With the new line they will be factors in the .Southern California market and Mr. Kellogg states that rtheir offerings will be the best of the Old Growth Yellow .Fir stock that they are being offered by the mills. , Their offices are at 523 Central Building, Los Angeles.
Bloedel-Dcinovan Adopts Curtailment Plan
Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, with main offices at Seattle, have just recently .announced the followihg curtailment program:
The Skykomish sawmill, shingle mill and logging camp will shut down completely on December lst and remain closed until after the first of the year.
At"Bellingham, the Old Colony shingle mill, the Hastings shingle mill'and the Mill "A" shingle mill will shut down on Thanksgiving and remain closed until after the first of the year.
At Larson, Mill "A" will shut down on December lst until after the first of the year, and Mill "B" will shut down on December l2th for the same period.
At Bellingham, the export mill will sh_ut down on December 12th until after the first of the year.
In British Columbia, the Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd, shingle mill at Boundary Road is now running to 50 per.,, cent capacity only, and will close down entirely on December 15th for at least a month.
Mr. G. H. Casler of Altadena purchased the Monterey lPark Wm., J. Bettingen Lumber Yard. N. H. Casler, his rson, will be associated with him and the yard will be known ras Casler and Son Lumber Co.
Mr. G. H. Casler has been in the lumber business in .Southern California for the last twenty years.
The Bell Lumber Company, said to be a Los Angeles Concern, is to open a retail yard at Oxnard, on the State Highway cut-off.
It has also been announced that the same concern will enter Santa Paula.
Tar and Featherc
KoIb and DiII
Coat and Pants
Adam and Eve
Thunder and Lightning tacft and JilI Callagher and Shean
Red and BIaclT
Ni1ht and Day
Thich and Thin
BaIl and Chain
Heaven and.HeII
Mutt and Jeff
Live anil Die