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Follow This Upward Swing
-in public demand for California Redwood
tr-t VERYWHERE dedlers report increased sales of Redwood, r '' nbw'interest''in this'remarkable building wood. Not a Florida boom, but a steady, substantial upward trend in consumer acceptance and demand.
Amazing qualities which Redwood possesses are responsible. For in durability, strength, workability, ability to "stay put," and other important features Redwood ranks first among other Pacific Coast woods commonly used in building.
Follow this upward swing. Benefit by this new interest in Redwood. Take advantage of the many dealer helps we now ofier you to aid in sales. LJse our new plan-book, mentioned elsewhere on this page. Learn about our advertising mat serv: ice and how to use it profitably.
'Write today for full information.
Al Porter Announces Plans For Western Retailers Institute
Tentative plans for the 23rd annual institute of the Western Retail Lumbermen's Association have been announced by secretary A. L. Porter, and in keeping with the history of the institute, a wonderful program is in prospect. The meeting will be held at the Multnomah Hotel, Portland, Oregon, February 18,{9 and 2,0, L9T.
llere are sotrrc- of the featuies already planned. One day's conference with manufacturers and wholesalers discussing the problems of the industry as they afiect buyer and seller. Address by Prof. Earl J. Glade, Department of Commerce and Finance of the University of Utah on "Why a Home Should Be Built of \Mood."
Manufacturers and wholesalers of lumber, sash, doors, millwork and all products handled in a retail lumber yard will be invited to contribute merchandising prizes, in order to stimulate not only a big attendance at the convention, but closer interest in the sessions. A large number of special cash and other prizes will be offered, including also an auto as a grand prize.
There will be plenty of entertainment, including theaters, dancing and music. One evening rvill be given over to a Hoo Hoo concatenation.
Install Kilns
Biles-Coleman Lumber Company, Omak, Washington are installing two additional dry kilns of Moore's Improved Baffle type to take care of the increased cut of their mill. They dry their entire cut, which is of Western yellow pine, and which is made up into frames, sash and Lindermann box shook.

These kilns will be equipped with Moore's Asbestos Protected kiln doors.
California Pine Association Inspectors Meet At Susanville
The regular meeting of the inspectors of the California White and Sugar Pine Manufacturers Association was held at Susanville, November 5, 6, and 7, at the plants of the Fruit Growers Supply Company and the Lassen Lumber and Box Company. The following inspectors were present at the meeting: Chief Inspector Victor Johnston, Irving Dunn, Horace Sims, A. E. Johnson, and Thomas Sandoe. Organizational meetings were held at the St. Francis Hotel, and the lumber sessions were held at the plants of the Fruit Growers Supply Company and the Lassen Lumber & Box Company.
While at Susanville, the inspectors were royally entertained at a dinner given by the Fruit Growers Supply Company on Friday night, and at another dinner given by the Lassen Lumber & Box Company Saturday noon.
This was the first meeting attended by Mr. Johnston in the capacity of Chief Inspector; and also the last meeting to be held before a change is made in each inspector's territory.
4l Directors Meet
Spokane, Wash.-Sawmill operators and employees representing the 10,000 members of the 4L organization met at Portland, Oregon, November 16 for the 14th semi-annual board of directors' meeting of the group.
Claremont Yard Sold
The J. W. Heinecke Lumber Company, in operation for about six months, in Claremont, has been sold to the FoxWoodsum Lumber Company.