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Wonderful Hardwood Plant at Los Angeles
That California builders are becoming more and more cognizant of the artistic possibilities offered by the use of hardwoods for interior finishes is evidenced by a report issued recently by Nickey Brosll Memphis, Tenn., covering the progress of their Southern California branch since the completion of their Los Angeles warehouse plant last spring.
The report shows a very satisfactory increase in output through the Los Angeles plant of all forms of hardwoods for interior finish, inlays, veneering, and flooring. Many of the recently completed prominent buildings in Los An- by the firm in this section is that of the furniture industry rvhich in Los Angeles is rapidly assuming proportions that point to a speedy rivalry of Grand Rapids production. Los Angeles firms in this field are endorsing hardwoods by a steadily increasing adoption of these woods as standard materials. geles and vicinity feature Nickey Bros.' hardwoods in their interior finishes.
Nickey Bros., Inc., has been established over fifty years, is owner of vast tracts of hardwood timber in the United States-notably in Mississippi, Arkansas and Northern Louisiana. Several plants and mills in these sections work to capacity in processing the lumber from these tracts.
White Oak, Cherry Bark, Red Oak and Delta Gum, are u'oods particularly specialized in by Nickey Brothers, their "NB Brand" of oak flooring being especially well known in the building trades.
The Los Angeles plant consists of warehouse and kiln accommodations covering approx'imately three acres of ground, located at 642A South Park Avenue, and represents the last word in efficient arrangement and facilities.
All rvoods are classified and placed at the plant to give instant access to contractors whci prefer coming to the yards to make selections. Every kind of hardwood is ready cut into lengths suitable for practically every purpose.
Futher facilities are given to Nickey Bros.' customerp here by the trucking service of the plant which maintains an efficient rapid delivery system.
A further field of distribution which is.being developed
Cut Increases
Spokane, Washington, Nov. 18.-The cut of members of the Western Pine Manufacturers' association, comprising Inland Empire mills for the first nine tnonths of 1925 exceeded the cut for the same period of 1924 by 143,591,601 feet or by approximately 11 pir cent, according to informalion received at Spokane from the office of the secretary.
W. G. Mitchell, district manager in Los Angeles, has developed his company into a most efficient orgairization and through his efforts has achieved wide coast distribution for Nickey Brothers products.
Of 48,166 cars shipped during the first nine rnonths this year, 11,422 went to the Atlantic coast states, or 23.82 per cent. Illinois received 4106 cars. Minnesota took 3882 cars and lowa 3527. By comparison, last year in the same period the Atlantic coast states absorbed 10,908 cars, Illinois 3753, Minnesota 3,100 and Iowa 3409, showing large increases in shipments to all these states this year.