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They are 43 years old.
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Under the names T. B. Walker, Camp & Walker and The Red River Lurnber Co. our price lists and stock letters have been going out to the trade for half a century. Three generations of Walkers are now represented in the direction of this industry.
Fifty years spans the evolution of the White Pine Industry from the log drives on the Mississippi and the Red River of the North to the operation at Westwood on the High Sierras of California. Minneapolis on the Mississippi and Fort Garry, now Winnipeg, on the Red River marked the destination of the White Pine drives from the forest of Northern Minnesota. From Westwood the products of the mountain forests of California White Pine and Sugar Pine are distributed to 43 States out of the 48, to Canada, Mexico and to foreign countries.
From a simple list-of b"Ja" and dimension hars grown our present list, including sash and doors, rotary cut veneers, mouldings, box shook, factory cuttings and special items of all kinds including piano key beds and curtain rollers. The old White Pine tradition of quality has increased instead of waned. Unique climatic conditions make the California pines in our forest tributary to Westwood the lightest, softest ahd finest textured of their kind. Continuous y6ar round operation, cutting 250,000,000 feet annually in the saw-mills and its allied factories and a veneer plant capacity of 100,0@ of three-ply panel per day, Red River is supplying service as well as quality.
If you are not receiving the Red River Weekly Stock Letter and our price lists you ehould place your name on our mailing list at once.