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Millwork Institute of California Convenes at Oakland
Harry Gaetjen Reelected President Favor Repeal of Federal Capital Stock Tax Will Endeavor to Form Single Form of Full Mill Bid Endorse Closer Cooperation With Architects To Conduct Constructive Analysis of Set-up Charges Discuss Advertising Campaign
The second annual convention of the Milhvork Institute of California \vas held at the Oakland Hotel, Oakland, on Thursday and Friday, November 19 and 2O. The convention rvas largely attended, with representativeS of the millwork industry being present from all sections of the state. It rvas a very successful meeting, and during the two day sessions there rvere many constructive discussions on matter pertaining to the industry.
The business program progressed rapidly and there were many excellent addresses on milhvork problems, such as "Management Control," "substitute Propaganda," "Set-up Charges." "\ialue of Millwork Exhibits," "Advertising," "Institute Program for Architects," "Depreciation and Obsolescency." and "Local Branch Activities."
The follorving officers tvere elected for the coming year:
President, Harry Gaetjen, San Francisco.
Vice President, E. R. Maule, Los Angeles.
Vice President, A. W. Bernhauer, Fresno.
Treasurer, E. A. Nicholson, Los Angeles.
Managing Director, H. T. Didesch, Los Angeles.
A. W. Bernhauer. Fresno.
A. B. Crozier. Eureka.
H. Mitchell, Oakland.
Harry Gaetjen, San Francisco.
W. _J. Glasson, San Diego.
E. R. Maule, Los Angeles.
W. F. O'Keeffe. Stoclton.
J. L. Pierce, Santa Clara.
.f. H. Shepard, Sacramento.
The next meeting n'ill be held at Stockton on'March 19 and h.
Thursday Morning Session
^ In.calling_ the convention to order, President Harry W. Gaetjen said:
"Time travels on and it gives me pleasure to welcome vou to the Second Annual Meeting of the Millwork Institute of -Catifornia, which means that we have pa.ssed our second year in existerrce, oi as may be termed the p,robationary period; and as we look back
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