7 minute read
Scientific ldln &ying prierctYc. within orr producta nturetl rturdy and beautiful qualitier, while
Modern machinery end ddllcd human efiort iurtifiet our rlogan
"If lt's Bradley's lt's Better" TRY US FOR
Furniture Stock in Sete CUT TO SIZE Rcadv to A'semble
Flat Surfacee Hardwood Trim Sa,nded
(Continued from Page 37) portant question at this time was how the advertising campaign would be financed. He urged the association to stand behind their goods with the Millwork Institute insignia.
"At our next meeting, I will tell you the details of how San Francisco and the Bay District have found a way to finance putting the advertising campaig'n across, and I hope that the other sectiohs and districts of the state will be able to report accordingly", he declared.
The recommendation of the Board of Directors that the next meeting of the Institute be held at Stockton on March 26 and 27 was unanimously approved.
The report of the Resolutions Committee was made by E. R. Maule, Chairman, and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the association:
(l) That the Millwork Institute of California exlrrcsscs its unqualified endorscment of the effcts bcing rnade looking to thc repeal of the Fcderal Capital Stock Plar5 and that tho Managing Director send copies of this resolution to Prcsidcnt Coolidge Sccretary of the Treasury Mellort and to the California Congrcssional delegation, asking thoir coopcratbn in sccuring the rcpcal of this unwarrantcd tax.
(2> That. evcry efiort be put forth by Branch Associations to consolidate its organizationa to the end thbt thcsc Branch Asso ciations can function as units of the Millwork In:tituto of Cafifornire" and to firrdrcr the progrcss of thcse Branch Assodiatiom. our Managing Director pcrsonally visit ttrcrn and cndcavor to assist in cncry way their formation into a auccessful unit, not only for tlrc suoccsc they may attain on theh locd problerns, but as a coopcrating rmit of the State-widc Association.
(3) That thc Mitlwck Institute of Californiq cndeavoring -to crysiallizc the various forms of Full Mill Bids of the various districts into a single forrn of a bid, and that a Cornrdittde be appointcd by onr Prcsideng with instructions to thoroughly analyzc this situatibn, and rcport to thc mcm,berelrip their furdings at our ncxt regular mceting.
-<+l During thc prescnt mceting there has been prcsentcd to- oqr 'mcmbers assdrbhd-a constructive-analvsis of our different methods of charging for machinc Bet-ults, or making-ready chargcs f9r m9ul. ding produ;tior\ which concluiively indicatcs the nccessity fqq sivins this-part of our coats more careful thought- and sludy. That o.ur Manigrns Director be requcstcd to oontinue this constructive analys.-is -by obtaining from each member further information on ttrii suUjecl, having iil mind the possible com-promise of the various Offeretri prictices-in this report, into a uniform method of application-
(5) Since there has been demonstrated to mill men the necessity for'cioser co.operation with the architectural professiol througt the ."pr."i"t.a .frotts of Mr. J. J. Donovan in his talk to thiis assiffUt g., that the Institute ia[e immediate advantagc- of the- kindlv advice -of Mr. Donovan in regard to the possi,tle metho'ds of better "oope"ation bctween the archltectural profession and the mill mcru ;;d- th;i-;* Managins Director not onlv continqg his splendid ;ii;tt"- i" An" t""pc.i uut to further qlcrc-asc. his cfiors and with ahi;-;*p""" in mfid that the Bulletin Service be pcriodicallv issued, Ja ihai the "Manual of Millwork' be rapidly, progressed to coalrlotetion- and tlIat personal serviccs be rcndered by secking opPorliirriti.i to havc Millwork Institutc of California repfcsentatives
""o""ti"c before Chapter meetings of the Amcrican Institute of X"-"i.,,1i""t'" -wiifi- carotirtty pncpared papcrs on pertinent millwork subjccts. --?'oj ttt"t a unanimous vote of thanks and wholeheartcd apprcciatiin U" "1"4"."a to Mr. J. J. Donoyan f^or his !'Sgestions and ;a;";6; iil ;t instinctiie tescrifiion of the relations betrten ihe arctritccturd piofession and millmen. -.-
"'izj' ii.ilti iaiuworr Institute of california dcsircs to gxprgss ttJ;-;i.ir;; a"a ip'pto"t of thc attitudg gf an Eastern Univcrei' iltf,fi;;G;il ot itJio""s" of studv, training in the millwork and ritail lumber branches of this industry'- '-?6'-iil;;i;;i tlants bc extended-to Mr' George Cornvall' for'tiis p".t "rrd prescnt services, and-offcr him the mbst kindly *iitrii to his continued good health and success' -'Th;-G.;;.it in charge of the Convention was
W. Goddard, Chairman; C. F. Ricker, Hugh Hogan, Clem Fraser, and Hal Atkinson.
The other committees were as follows: Registration Table, C. F. Ricker; Hotel Reservations, W. Goddard; Information Bureau, Geo. Kaiser; Banquet, Clem Fraser, Jack Hart, C. F. Ricker; Entertainment, Hal Atkinson. D.
N. Edwards, Clem Fraser, E. J. Nutting; Skyline Boulevard
Trip, Irving Carter, Hugh Hogan; Special Train Palc
$-1t9. $t Ed.wards, llorvard Mi[chell; t\{eeting Program.
H. T. Didesch.
Among thosc who registered at the Convention were:
_tl"rty Gaetjen, Ernpire Planing Mill, San Francisco.
W. Goddard Alameda Branch [f I C. Oakland.
G. G. Hamilton, Sudden-Heitman, Sin Francisco.
Frank Portman, Portman Planing Mill, San Francisco.
F. E. Banta, Progressivc Plg. Mill, Oakland.
Alfred E. Banta, Progressive Plg. Mill, Oakland.
B. White, Oakland Plg. Mill, Oikland.
E. W. Shaw, Builder's Exchange, Oa&land.
R. R. Stnith, Hunrboldt Mi[ins Co., Fortuna.
H. W. Brown, H. W. Brown Co., Los Anccles.
H. T. Didesc[ Managins Director M I C;Los Angeles.
D. Johnston, Redwood MfS. Co., Oakland.
G. Williams, Redwood Mfg. Co.. Oakland-

W. F. O'Keeffe, Roberts & O'Keeffe. Stockton.
C. I. Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumbcr Co.. Oakland.
H. M. Atkinson, Atkinson MiU & Mfg. Co., Oakland.
H. C. Treff, Lannon Bros., Oakland-
J. W. Shrimp, Creemer Mfg. Co., Riverside.
Ernest Blackman, E. L. Blackman Co., Oakland.
Hugh W. Hogan, Hunter Lunlber Co., Oakland.
A. M. Bernhauer, Fresno Plg. Mill Co., Fresno.
Rafph J. Button, Button & Mannins, San Frarrcisco.
Wm. J, Glasson, Glasson Plg. Mill, San Diego.
J. A. Hart, Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco.
Otto F. E. Burmeister, Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco.
Sumner Burmeister, Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco.
Otto Burmeister, Hart & Burmeister, San Francisco.
H. Sommorstronl Clinton Mill & Lbr. Co.. Oakland.
Theo. Veyhlet, Veyhlet & Collins, San Francisco.
C. A. Brown, Cross Lumber Oo., Merced.
J. W. Sumners, Wood Bros. Co., Santa Cruz.
W. L. Leischman, Crown City Mfg. Co., Pasadena.
J. G. Kennedy; Pacific Mfg. Co, San Francisco.
T. J. Biidgeport, Bridgeport Plg. Mill, Sebastapol.
R. S. Yerxa, Young Sash & Door Co., Anaheim.
J. A. Farnswortlg Jr., California Door Co., Los Angeles"
V. R. Carver, W. A. Drysdale Co., Victoria, B. C.
E. R. Maule, Hamrnond Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
J, O'Rrien, Builders Supply Dept., San Francisco.
Gust Manuels, Peninsula Plg. Mill, Redwood City.
W. G. Little, Union Plg. Mill, Stockton.
H. V. Cowan, H. V. Cowan Inc., Loa Angcles.
O. A. Topham, Heybmn, Topham Mill Co., Loe Angeles.
E. J. Nutting, Spencer PlS. Mill, San Francisco.
A. W. Noehl, John W. Nbehl & Son, Inc., Los Angeles.
J. L. Herring, Long Beach S & D Co., Long Beach.
Geo. H, Nicholson, Pacific Door & Sash Co., L-qs Angiles.
J. D. Rickard, Red River Lumber Co., Los Angeles.
D. N. Edwardq Oakland Plg. MiI, Oakland.
A. Wcidman, Oakland PIS. Mi[" Qaltlald.
C. Quinn, Oakland Plg. Mi[, OaLland.
E. Atldnston, Oakland Plg. Mill, Oakland.
(Continued on Page 40)
Kiln and Air Dried Upperc
Ctreen Clean and C,ommonr
f6 C-alif. St. San Francirco
So. Calif. Repreeentativc
Twohy Lumber Co. Lor Angehl
(Continued from Page 39)
M. Hood, Oakland Plg. MilI, Oaklanil.
E. A. Nicholso4 Pacific Door & Sash Co., Los Angcles.
C. L. Miller, Pacific Door & Sash Co. Los Angcles.
G. M. Cornwall, The Tirnberman" Portland.
L. E. Gates, M I C, Loe Angeles.
"Doc" Hunter, M I C, Los Angeles.
Frank Wdpert, Herring's Mill, Inc., San Francisco.
F. S. Spencer, Eureka Sash & Door Co., San Francisco.
C. F. Ricker, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland.
L. S. Deats, Los Angeles.
Ralph Imhofi, Loe Angeles.
Clem Fraser, Loop Lumber & Mill Co., A,lameda.
T. L. Gardner. Stockton Branch M I C. Stockton.
H. H. Mitchcll, Loo,p Lumbqr & Milf Co. Alarneda.
H. E. Andcrson, Anderson Bre. Plg' Mill" San Francisco.
W. S. Wat&ins" Andcrson Bros. Plg. Mill, San Francisco.
J. H. Shepard, Friend & Terry, Sacramento.
C. G. Chipchase, Friend & Terry, Sacramento-
W. Tildcn-. Tilde'n Mill & Lurnber Co., Oakland.
W. J. Rottr" Tildc,r Mill & Lumbct Co., Oakland.
F. I-. Parker, Eureka Mitl & Lumber Co', Oakland.
L. R. McKesson Pasadcna Mfc. Co., Pasadena.
S. Hassel, Diamond Match Co, Chico. -
G. E. Buimeister, Hart & Burmcister, San Francisco.
O. S. King, Chas. R. McCormick Lbr. Co., San Diego.-
E. C, Brocknan, Lu,mbenncn'g Rcciprocal AsEoc.. San Francisco.
A. Frlgscndahl, Clinton M & L Co., Oakland.
W. Cookc, Clinton M & L Co., Oakland.
O. C. Christenson, J. H. Kruse San Francisco.
Curtis H. Cutter, Cutter Mill & Lumber Co., Sacramento.
G, H. Burnett, Burnett & Son, Sacramento.
Ieo Rosenberg, Hipolito Compa.ny, Loe {4SeI9s.
Herman Rosenberg, Hipolito Company, Loq Angeles.
J. E. Martin" "Califbrn[ Lumbcr Mcrchant' San Francisco.
Citrus Belt Hoo Hoo Meet
The Citrus Hoo Hoo District held a very interesting meeting on the evening of November 24th, with a good number in attendance.
The Club President, Roy Sandefur, presided. Herman Rosenberg, State Counsellor and Phil Hart, Vicegerelt Snark of the Los Angeles District, were present and made short talks.
The meeting was held mainly for the purpose of election of officers for the coming year, and to select a nominee for appointment as Snark.
Wm. g. Jicoby, Yates-American -Maclrulery -Co., San Francisco.
Tom Bronson, Melrose Lumber Co., Oakland.
H. P. Dixon" American Door Co', Los Angeles.
L. H. Tyson, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland.
R. A. Niclas, M L C, Chicago.
Scott L. Bo'yil, Boyd Lurnber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara.
Rose P. Bu;U,'Plaiing Mill Listing Co., San Francieco.
S. E. Dalton, Melrosslumber Co., Oakland.
C. J. Laushlin, Long-Bell Lumber Co', San Francisco.
G. L. pa'is, Tildenlumber & Mill Co., Oakland.

Chas. Monson, Acme Pls. Mill, San Francisco.
C. L. Edinger, Edinger Pls. MiU, Sawtelle.
Ed. F. Larson, Hunter Lurrr,ber Co., Oakland.
Louis L. P'opi, Listins Bureau, San Francisco.
Tom Pugh, Sunset Lumber Co., Oakland.,
J. C. Pennycook, Sunset Lurnber Co., Oakland.
Fat Houst6n. Lumbcrmen's Reciprocal Assoc., Los Angeles.
Tad W. Jacobs, Lumbermen's Reciprocal Assoc., Los Angeles.