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tvItAPA tUilIBER c0.
A. D. White, Riverside, was elected President of the Club, L. W. Findlay, Redlands, Vice President, Ed. Suverkrup, San Bernardino, will act as Secretary-Treasurer, and the five directors are: H. Hanson, Fontana; H. Spaulding, Hemet; E. D. Franz, San Bernardino; J. Van Vliet, Rialto and G. Van Vliet, Colton.
Wesley Shrimp,'popular member from Riverside, was selected to serve as Vicegerent. It was a splendid selection. Wesley is a born leader, is enthusiastic about the order and he will no doubt keep up the good work started in the 1925 term by Roy Sandefur, and retiring Snark Newton.
For Sale
Retail Lumber Yard in Los Angeles district. Small investment required. Address 'Box 4-86, care California Lumber Merchant. tz-l-I
Vhat the Disc Head Has to Do With [arger Oak Flooring Sales
An artide or commodity superlatively gpod' ie eraia to be spokne of in the hiehest terme by the purchaeer and in-tura by hi" aquaintancee who carch hie en' thueiasm and share his admitation From this point on, it is a matter oI eteadily increasing good will' de' nand and sales
The diec head machine as employd inourmaaulae turing oper:ation is one oI the well'cmeidercd advanced methodi which play an importaat part ia producing the superlative merits of
So warmlv admired bv buildeq ormcre and dcelss, b@ coa$ to coa*. Th! principle oi edge lecding. upoo which thir machine b'de' *cnd. b scienti6caUy coniecL In practice it ir accrrr*e to thc 6aert fiicrioo" ldoreover, it produces a ffnished oal flotilg &ee ft'G bit marks aad with a surlace that ie all but polished" C@bild wfuh this pcrlect machine worL' ia "SuperiorB'raad" is msisteot unilom color and terture which bold true tlroughout aucceesive ahipueota.
We'[ be cLd ro give you lurther enlighteuiag lactr io or apecid &ee bokE tc dealers. Write lor it now, eubmitting yourr oal floc' iag echedule tor quotation at tte eame tima &lay we quote on Yotrt ,tat carload?
Helena, slrhaasas
Paclfic Cud Rcqrqcntatlm
R. A- BROW'N,60,6 Cslor Avc..lnr Aotplcr