4 minute read
The Philocolrhy of Mr. Ptp
In the Lumber business I has always figgered that there was only one kind of Aristocrecy an that were the ARIS9TOCREICY OF BRAINS an of which I has ever knowcd Orat I HAS THE MOST of, but since some of them Saw Mills has got to rallying around a STANDARD an is usin Rubber Eamps "Coats ofArrrs" I want to remind everyboddy that I has a Coat of Arms myself which is a Hand Saw an A Paint Brush an, jest watch me win "the battle" that is bein aggertated by removin all them Rubber Stamp Marks that is put on enny kind of Lumber that I buys.
My way, always, is to SELL THEM FIRST AN TRADE AFTERWARDS, SELL THEMWHATTHEY WANT AN GIVE THEMWHATTHEY WILL TAKE, an,when as usual there is close competition in buyin an I tqows THE PRICEONLY is goin to count I is TOO WISEto guote on QU.dLITY an only quotes on SIZED TWO SIDES FINISH, DRESSED & MATCHED
"If it isn't asking too much, will vou do us a favor and accept our check for another year to the Lumber Merchant. We like it."
Tilden Lumber & Mill Co., Milpitas, Cal.
FLOORIN,DOUBLEBEADED CEILIN, SIZED AN EDGED DIMENSIONS, DRESSED AN MATCHED SHIP LAP AN SIZED AN EDGED BOARDS AN F'ENCIN fer it is rite easy to put the GRADES IN THAT VOUCI-AIMYOU HAS FIGGETRED after the final an LAST FIGGERS has been made an THE BILL SOLD an then if the buyer wants BETTER GRADES THAN YOU CLAIM YOU F'IGGERED an is witlin to pay fer them the PRICECAN BE RAISED, fermy calcerlation is, with them kin! of buyers that peddles their bills from yard to yard the ONLY DIFFERENCE IN LUMBERISTHE DIF'FERENCE IN PRICE an as enny Lumber is fittcn for the purpose fer which it may be used, if you know how to use it I figgers so that them Hnd of close buyers CAN TRIM an brace an nail up the Lumber they gits from me in enny way they can use it instead of givia them a chance to TRIM ME on price fer I has THE CHEAPEST LUMBER AT THE CHEAPEST PRICE.
Dr. Frank H. Vizetel[(I;Y];- editor of the Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary, announces that the twenty-six letters of our alphabet can be transposed 6n,ryn,&1,733,239,439,396,000 times. Is it any wonder that proofreaders all have that hunted look?
Lumber Plays Important Part in Lahe Pleasant Dam, Arizona
A new reries of pattcrns for you to ure in crcati.g prof,tablc burinesr.
5 in. and 7 in. in round edge, rquarc edgc and bevel edge patternr.
Practically ss thich as e/4" siilkg at triule more than cosl of 5/8".
The bael eilgc pattern apecially gives a iliterat and vuy pleasing efect.
Atthough thc finirhcd dam will bc maronrlr, and will not rhow tte inf,uence of lumber, neverthelar wood ir playing an irnportant part in the con*ruction,rayr Carl Pleerant, thc engineer of Marinette, Ariz, All lurnber where nece$ary in the L:ake Plcarant Dam and buildingr is SOMOZIDED or Fire Recirtive.
SOMOZIDED lumber,rhingle! and paints are fart receiving recognition"
A Smile
Nothing on earth can smile, b
Gems may fash reflected li but w a diamond fash compared with an and flash?
Flowers cannot This is a charm that even they cannot claim. It i2*fie prerogative of mafr. It is the color which love weaTd and cheerfulness, and joy-these three.
It is the in, the windows of the face by which the heart that it is at home and waiting.
A face smile is like a bud that cannot blossom, and dried up on the stalk.
Laughter is day, and sobriety is night, and a smile is the twilight that hovers gently between both-more bewitching than either.
NoT r(rsrg/
"Hey!" yelled ttre chauffe$[, ][on't you know anything about the traffc rules?" V
"Only? replied the humble pedestrian, "that the Golden Rule doesn't seem to be one of them."
Thpre are no bargains
On the counter sales of life. We think so
But some unexpected day, We find our purchase is A worn and shoddy thing, So, after all, in that "long past" we pay. There are no bargainp
In the counter sales of life, But time alone, can teach us how to choose, Can show that What seemed loss was really gain, And where we bought for little, we shall lose.
-New York Times.
Taking The Count
"Triplets," announced the nurse to the proud father. "Really" said he, "I can hardl my own census."
-Kreolite News.
KIND crs
Let every dawn of be to you as the beginning be to you as its close, then of life, and every setting let every one of these lives leave its sure record of some kindly thing for others, some goodly strength yourself.-John Ruskin. or knowledge gained
However humble my path
Or the lowly trains I have There's a child that bases faith in me, There's a dog that I'm God.
Lord, keep me
Lord, keep me
And humble, defiled, Lest I lose in the sight of the dog, Or the wi Lest
The a dog will mourn for its fallen God, a child, for its lost belief.
To The Thin: DON'T
To The Fat: DON'T
A Ethic
They had been discussing ethics in the High School. Youthful Morris didn't quite get it all. He came home and asked:

"Papa, what is an ethic?"
For the moment the father, too, was stumped, but eventually he worked out the answer:
"Suppose, Morris, you sell a suit for $75 wtrat is a regular $50 seller. The ethic is, should you tell your partner about the $252"-Nation's Business.
A THREE TOAD TREE TOAD'S ODE help me he isn't hell Is that I smell?"
A tree toad loved a she toad That lived in a tree. She was a 3-toed tree toad, But a Z-toed toad was he. The 2-toed tree toad tried to win The she toad's friendly nod; For the 2-toed tree toad loved the ground That the 3-toed tree toad trod. But vainly the Z-toed tree toad triedHe couldn't please her whim, In her tree toad bower, with her V-toed power, The she toad vetoed him.
There was a young golfer named Wickers Who busted the belt on his knickers. To keep up his pants He widened his stan,ce And waddled away amid snickers.
Old lady: "Will y this drunk out of the On the 4th o gutter."
Hard Boiled: "Aw. move."
There was a ng broker named Munk. drunk.
'should come in the years to be, OTES FAST. runk. I saw his finger And his wifie l'Ygu smell punk !"