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Service to Your Customer Means Increased Business
Push California Redwood!
It will pry you to purh California Rcd' wood. You can carh in on thc cducr' tional work being donc amoug build' crr by thc California Rcdwood Aro' ciation. Evcry day Califoraia Rcdwood ir bccoming better known for itr durability, itr frecdon frorn rhrinking, warping rnd twirting, itr workability, itr LrcL of pitch, end itr greatcr loan valuc.
You can get thie burincre without carrying crtenrive rtockr of redwood, for thc Hemmond rtockryour re- .renv.-!r. alwayr available to :/ou. Thcy oFcr thc finert Redwood thcrc ir, cut fron our owll Redwood forertr. Get full informetion on Rcdwood to-
Call on Hammond. You will get prompt delivery.
Hammond Lumber Company
Southern California Division l.os'Angeles, Calif.
Saler Officee: San Francirco
MillsSamoa' Calif. Mill City, Oregon
Branch Yards in Pfincipal Ciiies of Southern Calif ornia
The quality that distinguishes "Everlasting" flooring starts at the beginning, with the scientiGc kiln drying of the lumber. Skilled woodworkers' men of long experience, operate machines keyed to split. hair accuracy. A system of rigid inspection ig continuous throughout manufacture. That is why t'Everlasting" floott can be laid srnoothly and guickln each piece matching perfectly.
The McCloud, Cal., Hoo-Hoo Club takes an active interest in community affairs as well as in matters tirat concern only the lumber industry.

Jhe October 4th meeting of the club was featurecl by a dis'cussion of road conditins in the countv ancl bv ihe passage of a resolution endorsirig the proposal that a junior College be established in the country.
J. M. Longdon rvas appointed to succeed C. J3. Daveney on the Road Committee, when the latter resigned.
\V. R. Spalding, W. R. Spalding Lumber Co., Visalia, togetherrvithMrs. Spalding, are registered at tbe Clift Hotel. San'Francisco. Mr. Spalding expects to be irr the Bay District about two rveeks attending to busirre,;s rrrattefs.
These Are Women
Women are what men.marry. They have two legs, two hands, and sometimes two husbands. but never more than one idea at a time.
Like Turkish cigarettes, wr same material. The only diff are all made of thd is that some arc a little better disguised than
Generally speaking wornen classes: Wives, Old Maids be divided into three Widows. An Old Maid is a mass of obstinacy
Wives are divided into thres rounded by suspicion. classes: prizes, surprises qnd consolation prizes.
Making a wife out of n is one of the highest plastic arts known to cir{lizati It requires science, sculpture, common cially charity. , faith, hope and charity, espe-
It is a psychological to gosh MAN will rr1 that a big, strong, honest rryr a little, weak, wishy-washy mouse like woman. seem to be happy.
If you flatter a n, it makes her unbearable; if you don't you bore make love to you s to death. If you permit her to gets tired of you in the end, and if you don't she 1
If you believe tired of you in the beginning. interest her, and lr in everything you soon cease to you argue with her in everything, charm hbr.If you believe all she you soon cease tells you, she are a fool, and if you don't she thinks you are a ff you wear colors and spats and a startling tie she won't go with you, but if you wear a consenrative gray suit and stares all a gentle hat, she goes out with you ng at a man in gay colors and spats .and a start
If you join $er in all her p'arties and approve of her smoking, she fwears that you are driving her to the devil. And if you don't approve of her smoking and clevrl.urge her to gfve her parties up, she vows that you are driving her tp the devil.
If you arf the henpecked type she doubts whether you have and if you are a modern, advanced and indepehdent man, she doubts whether you have a heart.
If you are silly she longs for a bright mate, and if you are brilliant and intellectual she longs for a playmate.
If you are popular with the other women, she is jea-l_oqs, and if you gre not, she hesitates to marry a wall flower.
The New lVaterproof Sheathing and Car Lining Paper
Moistiteis a paper rheathing made w_aterproof_by ?ninnerlaygr of processed bitumen th"t ,"t toi"r th" 6br"r, bin& tli-em together and thus becomes sealed wilhi1 and _really a ;;;Fiilpap"ritrelf. TheabovephotQsranh (magnifiedabout 36 times) rhowshow-the Lito111un saiurater the fibrec and mai<es them wr.teryroof. - Moistite ia light gray in calor, ;tt"bl" and rtrong. It bends eaaily at rharp anglee witlrout breaking.
Dealers handling Moistite need no other sheath' ing paper. There is a big money making opportunity offered lumber and building supplv dealers who confine their sheathing investrnent to one brand. Thic one line kept turning, produces big' ger profitr, eliminates double investment and heavy inventories.

Moistite does not cost the customert any more than other reliable sheatfiing papers but it gt"o them many added advantages.
Let, us explain our many merchandising and advertising helps. They offer suggestionc to further the sale of Moistite Car Lining and Sheatrhing Paper.
(Continued from Page 4) owned in fee, and Government cutting contracts which are expected to keep the twomills in operation for at least twenty-five years. The exact amount of timber involved was not mentioned in the announcement.
The timber consists principally of California White and Sugar Pine, with a generous sprinkling of Red and White Fir, and their production will be largely Pine.
The officers of The QuincyLumber Cornpany are: President, W. P. Weber, Lake Charles, La.; Vice President, John C. Saner, Dallas, Texas; Secretary and General Manager, Martin J. Ragley, Jefferson, Texas; Treasurer, G. M. King, of Lake Cftrarles, La.
M. J. Ragley has been operating sawmills in Texas and Louisiana all his life and has long beerr considered ohe of the most efficient mill operators in the entire south. Two years ago he closed the big mill of the W. G. Ragley Lumber Company, at Ragley, La., having exhausted their timber, and since that time he has spent most bf his time on the Pacific Coast, investigating milling and timber propositions of many kinds and characters. Mr. Ragley is a great believer in the money to be made in modest sized and highly efficient mills, rather than in large units, and he has proven his case through many years' experience. The two mills he has bought are just the size to suit him.
W. P. Weber is President of the Powell Lumber Company and of the Weber-King Lumber Company, of Lake Charles, La., and a highly successful and long experienced mill man. Mr. Ki'ng is associated with him in his l-ake Charles investments. John C. Saner is a Dallas capitalist rvho has long been interested with Mr. Ragley in milling investments.
P. C. McNevin, The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, has returned to his desk after an extended trip through the east where he was making a survey of Redrvood market conditions and calling on their eastern customers. While in the east he made his headquarters at their Chicago office.
He reports that the eastern market is fairly active and in satisfying condition. IIe was in the east about two months.
C. C. Patrick, the well known Portland wholesaler, was a San Francisco visitor around the middle of the month where he spent several days attending to business matters.
"Pat" also attended the Big Game, California vs. Stanford and while in San Francisco he made his headquarters at the offices of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, and with the able assistance ofHarry Officer, of the Sales department, was shown the sights of the town. '
State Association Officers Areactive
Charlie Curran of Pomona, Vice President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, organized an Association visiting day in his own district on Wednesday, the 24th. In company with Al Stoner of the Sawtelle Lumber Company, H. M. Shattuck of Ontario and Paul Hallingsby of Hammond Lumber Company, he called on the lumber yards at Ontario, Fontana and San Bernardino. He reports that the members are enthusiastic as to the splendid results obtained by the Cement Committee of the Association.
The plan followed some years ago of having a Southern California meeting of members two or three times a year isto be put into effect again, and arrangements are being made to hold the first one in Los Angeles on Saturday, January 22nd. C. A. Gunmere, business lecturer of the University of Southern California, has been asked to speak.
Charlie Curran brought in applications for membership in the AssoCiation from the following: John Suverkrup Lumber Co., San Bernardino; Fred {. Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino; J. W. Heinecke T umber Co., Ontario; HoytRoof Lumber Company, Ontario; Powell Lumber Company, Fontana.
Arthurbevanvisits Bay District
Arthur Bevan, Seattle, lvas a recent San Francisco visitor, s'here he spent several days attending to business matters in connection with the Shingle Association. While in the Bay District, he made the tripto Palo Altoto see the football game between Washington and Stanford.
Haywardto Open New Yard
The Hayward Lumber & Investment Company, geles, is reported to have bought a site at Cardiff, Diego, for a new yard that rvill be opened within thirty days.
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