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Itf.dera Sor* Pio.
A True White pinc Water CureLAir Dried
Nothing could be better for pattcrn atoclc and planing mill lumber for all purpoteq tfian our wide, thick, goft tertured lumbcr. It comec from California Sugar Pine treea, which arc famour for thcir exccptional eize and quality.
Bor Shool rnd Cut.up Mrtcrlrb Crprcity 300,000 Foct Drily rvill be given over to reforestation work by the large pine producers. The Sugar Pine Lumber Company of Fresno has already voiced its plan to obtain a forest engineer for reforestation work."
Madcran Crlif.
The electors of Louisiana and Minnesota have approved similar tax exemption, and it is hoped thatthe State of Washington will come in line with the policy of forest preservation by means of taxation reform.-Editorial from the San Francisco Bulletin. November 23. L926.
Portland advices state the steam schooner "Bert E. Haney" has been sold by James V. Mason to Captain A. C. Watts of Seattle on private terms.
The vessel has been laid up at Portland since last June., She isa wooden craft of 1379 tons net register, and a lumber carrying capacity of 1,650,000 feet, having been built at Portland in 1920.
C. E. (Charlie) Miller, sales manager of the West Oregon Lumber Co. at Linnton, Oregon, was a recent Bay District visitor, where he spent several days on business matters and calling on the lumber trade. He lvas on his way home after concluding an eastern trip, where he was rnaking a survey of the lumber market and calling on the lumber trade. While in the Bay District, he made his headquarters at the offices of the Wendling-Nathan Co., who handle their products in the California market. He also expected to indulge in a few games of golf, and together with Roy Hills and M. L. "Duke" Euphrat, they were looking forward tb Gus Hoover's arrival in the Bay District so they could do their stuff on the links. "Charlie" was also gunning around for Jack Dionne and wanted to get Jack on the links again-they had several matches in Portland last summer and he says that Jack is a "slicker" and a pretty fair country player when there are any stakes involved.
Tom Shields Visits San Francisco
Tom Shields, the well known Northwest representative of the Simonds Saw Co., with headquarters in Seattle, was a recent_ San Francisco arrival, where he spent a few days visiting'friends. "Toml' is thl "Jack Dionne of the lri;h story tellers" and is very popular with the lumber fraternity of the Pacific Coast. One of his lumberman friends stated that"Tom" checked in by telephone and reported evgrything lovely up in the "Charmed Land" but that he was refusing all invitations to lunch.