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(The Clearing Houte)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire Ratet
Position rvanted by experienced Retail l-umberman. Knorvs lumber from stump to finisherl house. Good accountant and estirnator. First class salesman. IJniversity graduate. Norv employed, 'l'r'ants position as yard manager or salesman. Reason for change-no future to present position. Address Box 209. care Calif. Lbr. Merchant. l2-I-l
Retail Manager Open For Position
Live retail manager, years of experience and a gogetter, seeks suitable position in or near Los Angeles. Can make a small investment, or straight salary or salary and bonus. Can show results. Address Box A-208. care California Lumber Merchant. lz-L-L
I-uml..-.r11t't"n, yarcl manager, salesman, office rnan, tl-roroughll' experienced, conscientious, efficient, good mixer, desires position. Will go anv'rvhere, available at once. Address Box 33, Care California Lumber Merchant. 72-1-l
Can you use the services of a man having had 35 years or more experience in all branches of the lumber business in, Michigan? Have knowledge of all Coast products and can handle almost any position. Address Box A-207, care California Lumber Merchant.
Want To Buy Yard
Want to buy a retail lumber yard, or an interest in one, up to $25,000, by a successful experienced lumber and mill man,, 37 years old. Address Box A-200, care California Lumber Merchant. 12-1-3 l l-1-tf
"We offer partnership to hustling lumberman who can help build up business against average competi- tion. Present partner wants to withdraw account other interests. Will require up to $8000. Yard located in 17,000 city, 70 miles from San Francisco, five other yards. Plenty of trade territory. Have machinery." Box A-201, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
FOR SALE-Very large and profitable retail yard in Seattle. Address replies, "Seattle", care California Lumber Merchant.
lumber of The tl-15-2
To Buy Lumber Yard or Half Interest in Good Yard. Address Box A-202. care California Lumber Merchant. 11-15-1
Retail lumber yard Adclress Box 4-205,
WANTED in exchange for ranch worth $m,00O. care California Lrrmber Merchant. tl-15-2.
For Sale
FOR SAlE-Controlling interest in fine up-to-date yard in rapidly grorving city. Less than $50,000 required or present owners might retain part n'itl.r right party. Box A-203, care Calif. Lurnber Merchant. I 1-l 5-i
Very Adclress
FOR large and profitable "Seattle," care The
SALE retail lumber yard in Seattle. California Lumber Merchant. tt-15-2.
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daiiy capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upqn request. Address Box A-127, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-14-tl
Retail Lumberman
Will be open for a place about January 1st. Several vears as lit-re yard manager and thoroughly experienced in all lines of the business. Can sholv a clean record and have goocl Southern California Reference. Address Box .4-210, care
California Lumber Merchant. tz-r-1
Yard Wanted
WANTED: Retail Lumber Yard in worth $20,000.00. Box 1001, care Cal.
exchange for ranch Lbr. Merchant.
I 1-1 5-3