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Buitd on Consumer CONFIDENCE with Grade'Marked Douglas Fir
l{At'lE of FlRltl NO.l COM,
Thismark is an assurance of qual;ty.
A SATISFIED consumer is the best advertisement an article may have. An A architecr, contractor, carpenter or home builder who wants a definite value iN IUMbCt ANd GETS DELIVERY OF !rEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION grade-marked stock, is most likely to feel satisfied with his purchase. He will be thankful to you, the dealer, for protecting his interests. On this consumer confidence you may build.
Build u0 J)our own basiness w;th
Grade-M arked DOU GLA S FI R
T EADING dealers in Southern California asked our Association, through- theit retail l--Zti""t ^ri;;r; ; provide GRADE-MARKED LUMBER so that more retail sales might b" -;;; oi " q.r.lity'b"rir. To meet the needs of the local lumber trade, our Association i"r, y"". "*t"nd"d irs regular mill inspection service over gtades to- include stocks in Cali' iorrri. d".l"tr' yards. At th" s"-" ti-" member mills were _urg-ed by the Association to i"riirf, *;;"-ma"ked l"il"i for the California trade. The mills listed on this.page f.urnish Vest Co-ast Association grade-marked lumber. You can eliminate vexing problems of local ;;;;";;; -;;: r; b,tiid "p your own business constructively, by stocking and pushing GRADE-MARKED Douglas 6r'
Grades are su4ervised b1t the Association at all Member Mills
Regular supervision is furnished by the Association of the grades- produced at all member mills. ifr?-f"-U,it -"rrrrf""trrJ "i Arr""i"ti". mills carries to the buyer thie added assurance of standard grade and qualitY.
In addition to regular inspection of its grades, a membet mi[-may arrange with the Aerocia' ;;;;; the use Jf i,. ..jir,"ted Trade and Grade Marks. These member mills must sign- a soecial asreem"rr, ,o "rrrri" the AsSociation that only lumber of -Association standard grades #iru;;;d;:-- irtir -*t"i"" "*,rr", .h" retail dealer an article of standard qualitv-one likely to stimulate consumer confidence.
Trade and Grad,e Marks giae the buyer greater confidence in lumber
Trade and Grade Marks, with regular Association insoection behind them, are .irrr, "r, additional merchan' dising service the mills listed on the left have provided for the California trade. The marks are an assurance of strict mill grading under Association superv ision, 364 Stuart Building Seattle, Vashington which dealers may extend to architects, builders or prospective home builders with the certainty that the correctt specified grade is being delivered. This service builds confdence in lurnber and is of real value in ertending its use in construction.
914 Architects Building Los Angeles, Calif.