1 minute read
ULL steam ahead-that's the order at The Insulite Co. plantsand that's the order at every Insulite Co. office. Full steam ahead in our cooperation with the Lumber Dealer. \fle're firing up ihe boiler with more and better sales helps more advertising . . . more service to both dealerand consumer.\(/e've got our coats off and our sleeves rolled up and we're going out in the teritory and help you build business-hammer and tongs.
The Lumber Dealer who marches double-quick with the Insulite organization next year is going to make money good money. Ce*ainly we know these are difficult times, "nd diffi.ult times call for a different merchandising program. The Insulite Co. fras such a program. lt's going to mean increased profits for the Lumber Dealer handling Insulite Products.
Remember--there are six lnsulite Products and each one is a superior material lor the purpose intended. Under one label you can sup' ply your trade with an Insulite Product to fill any insulation requirement. Fu*hermore-these six products ' ' Insulite Sheathing, Insulite Lath, Insulite Roof lnsulation, Insulite Acousti le, lnsul ite Fire-Proofed Board, and lnsul iteTermite Board were all conceived in The Insulite Co''s own laboratories and are manulactured in the company's own plants. We know they're right and the great Backus' Brooks Industries stand back o[ them to the limit.
lf you are not already handlinq Insulite Products, may we send you samples and additional information' Let us tell more about the f nsuf ite Co.'s 1OO% Lumber Dealer Policy and what it will mean to you in increased profits next year. Don't put it off. \(/rite today.
1 200 Builders Exchange, Dept. 66L Minneapolis, Minnesota OFFICES IN ALL PRINCIPAL