3 minute read
State Retailers' Annual
(Continued from Page. 10) ern California whenever there is sufficient demand, he stated, and expressed pleasure that a Douglas fir manufacturers committee had met that day with the lumber committee of the State Association in the endeavor to work out their mutual problems.
C. H. Griffen, Jr., Homer T. Hayward Lumber Co., Santa Cruz, spoke on "The Relative Importance .of Lumber and Side Lines". He said lumber yards are now building material stores selling about 50 per cent lumber products and 50 per aent other materials, and believed it is a great convenience to a buyer to be able to buy all his building materials in one place. He reminded his audience that lumber is by far the largest single item they sell, and suggested that they should devote more time to the merchandising of which^has handled$70,000 worth of work, the jobs ranging from $7.50 to $4200. F. Dean Prescott, Vallev Lumbei Co., Fresno, praised the Whittier Bureau, and O. H. Barr, of Santa Ana, whose company is a subscriber, hoped tlre bureau would be continued.
. Ear-l Johnson, yrn".X]ltl#3l"4:: pasadena, vice-presi- dent for the Southern District, presided.
T. H. Kewin, Unit,ed Lumbei Yards, Inc., Modesto, read an article on the subject of providing cheaper money for home building loans which he wrotJ recenily and which has had considerable publicity in daily papers and trade journals, and announced that he would oner a resolution on this subject for the consideration of the convention.
Took Part in Convention Program
lumber products, and that the manufacturers should assist them in every way to increase their sales of wood.
"Sales Promotion of Wooden Shingles", was discussed by Arthur Bevan, secretary-manager of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, rvho explained in detail the new program of the shingle mills, and toldof the success of re-roofing with wood shingles over the old roof, which he said is perfectly good practice and makes a, good job. Part of the Bureau's future program will be to put men into California to work with contractors on r,e-roofing jobs. Mr. Bevan answered many questions on the subject of re-roofing.
W. K. Kendrick, Valley Lumber Co., Fresno, said his company had been selling shingles for re-roofing for nine years with exc,ellent results. O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana, stated that his concern had had success in reroofing with shingles over a period_of years.
Professor Emanuel Fritz, associate professor of forestry, University of California, said there is no reason why rot should develop in a double roof more than in a single roof, and that he regarded re-roofing with shingles as good practice.
A. W. Bernhauer, president of the Millwork Institute of California, gave the lumbermen a brief outline of the activities of the Institute. "Al1 thinking millmen recognize that the retail lumberman has his place in the distribution of millwork," he said, and he believed that their two organizations can do much to promote the use of wood products by intelligent cooperation.
"Local Trade Promotion" was next discussed, with C. W. Pinkerton, Whittier Lumb,er Co., Whittier, leading the discussion. Mr. Pinkerton told of the success of the Whittier Modernizing Bureau, formed about a year ago, and
Sherman K. Burke, of the Southern pacific Co., addressed the convention onthe subject of,.Truckid.,;'-H;-;J that rail r,evenue had been diverted to a tremdndous extent b.y unregulated truck competition, ""J expressed the idea lll! r sound transportatjon policy must bi ""oGa Uy it. reLs;nabJe regrrlation of .all .transportation agencies.' r ne l\,ew Lontractors, License Law', was the tooic of 1.tal.k by _Orman Lutz, chief examiner ioi-tf-,"-";-ith"; dlstrlct, who_.explained the various violations for which contractors' ligenses can be suspended or revoked. Many questions lvere answergd_ by Mr. Lutz. ft. q*.Uo".ri included W. K. Kendrick, B. ;. Boorman, Eari Tohrrion. J. l{. Shepard, O. V. Wilson una S. n. -Oift.".^ ?,udl.l Chandler. secretary of the Building Material rJearers Lredtt Assoc_iation,, Los Angeles, led thJdiscussion on *Legislation." . He. paid a tributE to ihe work of C. W: lr"fgTto." on .legislative matters and warned the dealers rnar rnerr legtstatlve program must be determined before therr next annual meeting.
C. W. Pinkerton stress6d th.e importance of the individ_ ual dealer.taking an intelligent interest in legislative mai- ters, and in order to put h1s point o.,rer askEd tro*-_""" of those. present. ar'e personally acquainteJ- *;irr -trr"ii' ilJ- resentatives in the legislature. A ihowof hands ,"r."iJa that less than 10 per ient could make this claim.
East Bay ru-b"r*"ltttilfr'l
39 held a luncheon at noon which was attended by convention visitors "f -b;;h the State Association and the Millwork Instituie ;i a;ii: fornia, and by a large number of lumbermen of the San t'iranclsco ttay district. President Larue woodson, Nicolai
(Continued on page 14)
Cord and Auburn in the construction Beverly Hills
ANZAC Redwood Sidins
Sheathing paper under brick veneer, aidi-g and ahingles.
Under hardwood floon
Under finighed roofing.
Lining chicken houeea, sulphur houses and other ranch buildinge.
Are Aoa getting this hasiness? THD SISALIIBAFT CO. 2O5 W. Wacker Drive (Canal Station) Chicago,Illinois 55 New Montgomery Streetr San Francieco, Cati ?awl ola of E L fud rllddew Atdfu4 Poul Vlfutp, Iae .lig.la Cnrawut4 Sho;f & Vomlngcon, Bcoetly Eitr.. Sl.dthtarceat utcd ooct thatlfirg olth aU bp uld" rolclag pretlally aa e-*h.te CLM 12-1 Gray