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State Retailers' Annual

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(Continued from Page 12)

Door Sales C9.., pr,esided, and in a short opening talk welcomed the visitors. President Harry Lale of the State Association commended the manner in which the Oakland dealers had staged the convention. H. S. Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., was chairman of the day, and in this capacity inflicted a number of fines. Bert Bryan, Strable Hardwood Co., was_in charge _of the entertainment program, which was much enjoyed by the big gathering. -Frank Trower, Trower Lumber Co., gave a fine address in his best style on ."Cooperation." Joe Kirk, S. P. Milling Co., San Luis Obisp.o, distinguished himself by winning lhe drawing for two tickets for the California-Stanford big game.

Friday Afternoon

Vice-president Earl Johnson presided. Arthur Henning, managing director of the Retailers' efforts to assist in the formation of local groups. It costs real money to run the State Association, but the expendi- ture is well worth while, he said.

Otto R. Hartwig, West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Portland, gave.a short talk on "The Ir,nportance of Direct Selling," in which he advised dealers to go out and sell their lumber products, using the literature of the National and regional associations to assist them.

B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, delivered an address on "Advertising and Selling" in which he developed the idea that intelligent advertising rvill enable the lqmber industry to compete on even terms rvith other industries for the consumer's dollar. He advised retailers to set aside two per cent of their total sales for advertising.

Chas. G. Bird, chairman of the resolutions committee,

Group of Retail Lumbermen \7ho Attended Convention

Credit Association of Sacramento, and president of the Cali_ fornia Association of Retail Credit Bureaus, discussed "Credits and Collections."

-Ralph Duncan, I\{erced Lumber Co., Merced, chairman of the association's lumb,er committee, gave a report of the activities of this committee formed'trio years ago. Six meetings have been held with manufacturers of Redwood in that perio-d, and__they had their first meeting with a committee of theWest Coast Lumbermen's AJsociation during the convention. He asked the members to send him details of. any new problems that come up and prom_ ised to take these up with the manufacturers,^ wittr iarhom they have already accomplished a better understanding through better acquaintance.

Fred Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., president of the California Redwood Association, said he feit sure both the manufacturers of Redwood and the retailers had reaped benefits from the closer contact afforded by the joini meetings of their committees.

"Association Activities" were discussed by F. Dean prescott, S. F. Dalton and O. H. Barr. Mr. prescott said no words of his could adequately praise Mr. Lake's work for the association and u.rCeg members to help by inducing other dealers to join the State Association.

Mr. Dalton said the r,etail business would be in a sad state if it were not for the work of the State Association in the.last two years in sponsoring and assisting in the formation of local groups.

O. H. Barr commended the unselfish work ofMr. Lake. and also the fine results obtained by Dee Essley in his read the committee's report. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

RESOLVED,'that ihe Culifotnia Retail Lumbermen,s $ssociation, ,here assembled, approve the program of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau anil-ricommend-to ill members and dealers of the State of California that the square pack shingle, grade marked and certified under the Red Cidar Shingle Bureau, be stocked and sold to the exclusion of the old style pack and grades and that we in particular apprlye the elimination of the 5/2" shingle.

RESOLVED, that our Secretary be instructed to express to the management of the Hotel Oakland, our sincer- ap- preciation for the many courtesies extended to our associition and its members and guests drrring the sessions of our conv.ention.

RESOLVE,D, that the Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association is instructed towrite letters of appreciation to all of those who contributed to the success of our programs of the convention held at Hotel Oakland, Oakland, California, November 19, 2A and 2I, 1931.

RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association be instructed to express to the Shell Oil Company, our sincer.e thanks and appreciation for their very helpful assistance in providing publicity for our conference through their radio announcements.

RESOLVED, that the directors and members of the California Retail Lumb.ermen's Association extend to the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association appreciation for their untiring effort and efficient service to the lumbermen

(Continued on Page 16)

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